Malton is an on-device non-anvasive dynamic analysis tool for Android apps, and it is leverage the in-memory concolic and the direct execution approaches to achieve an high code coverage, which is the limitations of almost all dynamic analysis tools. Also, Malton runs the time-consuming constrain resolving tasks with a offline module running on the host and thus achieves a high analysis effiency. If your are interested in Malton, you can find more details in the following paper.
title={Malton: Towards On-Device Non-Invasive Mobile Malware Analysis for ${$ART$}$},
author={Xue, Lei and Zhou, Yajin and Chen, Ting and Luo, Xiapu and Gu, Guofei},
booktitle={26th ${$USENIX$}$ Security Symposium (${$USENIX$}$ Security 17)},