Search for any city.
Today's weather information appears, along with a 5 day-forecast.
UV Index background color changes by severity.
Severity | Color |
Low | Green |
Moderate | Yellow |
High | Orange |
Very High | Red |
Extreme | Purple |
Animated icons reflect the weather.
User's search history is saved in local storage, so the content persists upon refreshing the page.
The user's search history is rendered in the div below the search bar, up to 10 entries, from most recent to oldest. To avoid redundancy, user cities only appear once, moving to the top of the list after each search.
Each entry in the search history is also a button. Once clicked, the information and forecast for that city is rendered. Also, that entry moves up to the top of the list.
"Clear History" button empties local storage and clears the "Search History" div.
Date and time info from: Moment.js
Fonts from Google Fonts
Animated Icons from Patharanordev
Animated Icons based on WidgetWeather