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Cat Image Viewer App


This SwiftUI app fetches cat images from the Cataas API and displays them in a list. Users can view each cat image in detail, including tags associated with the image.

image image


  • Fetches cat images from the Cataas API.
  • Displays a list of cat images with navigation to view details.
  • Shows each cat image's tags in detail view.

Technologies Used

  • SwiftUI: SwiftUI is used to build the user interface of the app. It provides a modern and declarative approach to creating UIs.
  • Combine Framework: Combine is used for handling asynchronous events and data streams, such as fetching data from the API and updating the UI accordingly.
  • URLSession: URLSession is used for making network requests to fetch cat images from the Cataas API.
  • JSON Decoding: Codable protocols are used for decoding JSON data received from the API into Swift data structures.
  • Navigation View: SwiftUI's NavigationView and NavigationLink are used for navigation between different views within the app.


  • MVVM Architecture: The app follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture pattern, separating concerns between data/model (CatImage), UI (View), and data presentation/business logic (CatViewModel).
  • ObservableObject: CatViewModel is marked as an ObservableObject to allow it to publish changes to its properties, which are then observed by views.
  • Asynchronous Data Fetching: Data fetching from the API is performed asynchronously to avoid blocking the main thread and ensure smooth user experience.
  • Remote Image Loading: RemoteImage view asynchronously loads and displays cat images fetched from the Cataas API.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project in Xcode.
  3. Build and run the project on a simulator or a physical device.
  4. Explore the list of cat images fetched from the Cataas API.
  5. Tap on a cat image to view its details, including tags.

Recently Implementation

  • Image Caching: Implement image caching to improve performance and reduce redundant network requests.
  • UI Enhancements: Add more visually appealing UI elements and animations to enhance the user experience.
  • Eskeleton: It's when the data that's coming from the backend isn't ready yet. But you need to draw the place where the data will filled.
  • Offline View: If the user is offline the app is going to show a screen view says that there isn't internet connection.

Future Improvements

  • Error Handling: Implement better error handling for cases such as network errors or failed data decoding.
  • Pagination: Implement pagination to fetch and display more cat images as the user scrolls.
  • Localizable: Add more languages to show the app more internationality and give the user a better experience.
  • Factory method In order to delegate the responsibility of create a component we are going to use this design pattern method and also to follow the SOLID principle rules to apply the dependency injection.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


iOS App Native






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