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Demo of IaC with simple examples using Terraform and Bicep, on Azure

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Demo of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on Azure with Terraform and Bicep.


Basic knowledge of Azure is required. In addition, you must have the following installed and/or configured:

How to use

  • Clone or fork this project.
  • Open a terminal and type:
    • az login
  • Follow the instructions and login into your active Azure account.
  • In the terminal type:
    • az account set --subscription <YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID>
  • Create a service principal (if you don't already have one). In the terminal type:
    • az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "<YOUR_SPN>" --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/<YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID>"

Heads up! Make sure to:

  1. Save the password generated for the service principal. It is only visible on the output after creation.
  2. Give the service principal privileges to create resources in your Azure subscription (e.g. --role="Contributor").

Finally, log out of Azure (az logout) to avoid any mishaps using your own login credentials. We will use the service principal from now on.


Terraform needs a way to communicate with your Azure account/subscription.

For this, we utilize the service principal and account/subscription from the previous steps to set the following environment variables:


You can find your <SPN_APPID_VALUE> in the Azure portal, under Azure Active Directory > App registrations > Application (client) ID.

The <SPN_CLIENT_SECRET_VALUE> is the password generated for the service principle. It is only visible on the output after creation. If you have lost it, you will need to reset it.

Read more on Authenticate Terraform to Azure.

The terraform script will create a resource group in the Azure subscription you have specified. To run it:

  • Open a terminal in the terraform folder of this prject.
  • In the terminal type:
    • terraform init
  • When done, in the terminal type:
    • terraform apply
  • Follow the instructions and choose to apply the proposed changes (if you wish!).
  • Validate the result by checking your Azure subscription: You have a new reource group in your subscription.
  • When done, in the terminal type:
    • terraform destroy
  • Validate the result again: The previously created resource group is deleted.


Authenticate using the service principal created earlier and set the correct tenant and subscription:

  • az login --service-principal -u <SPN_APPID_VALUE> -p <SPN_CLIENT_SECRET_VALUE> --tenant <YOUR_TENANT_ID>
  • az account set --subscription <YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID>

Head up! You can (should) use the environment variables set in the previous step, e.g. (PowerShell):

  • az login --service-principal -u ${env:ARM_CLIENT_ID} -p ${env:ARM_CLIENT_SECRET} --tenant ${env:ARM_TENANT_ID}
  • az account set --subscription ${env:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}

Lastly, create the following environment variable containing the name of the resource group to create and subsequently create resources in:


The main.bicep script will create a resource group in the Azure subscription you have specified. To run it:

  • Open a terminal in the bicep folder of this prject.
  • In the terminal type:
    • az deployment sub create -l <LOCATION> --template-file main.bicep --parameters rgName=${env:RG_NAME}

<LOCATION> is any valid azure region and determines where the deployment is run from. Not to be confused with the region (location) provided in the bicep file.

  • Validate the result by checking your Azure subscription: You have a new reource group in your subscription.
  • Create a storage account in the newly created resource grouo. In the terminal type:
    • az deployment group create -g ${env:RG_NAME}-xxx --template-file storage.bicep (you will need the actual RG name that was created)
  • Validate the result by checking your Azure subscription: You have a new storage account in your previously created resource group.

To check potential changes, use the what-if flag, e.g.:

  • az deployment sub what-if -l <LOCATION> --template-file main.bicep --parameters rgName=${env:RG_NAME}
  • az deployment group what-if -g ${env:RG_NAME}-xxx --template-file storage.bicep (you will need the actual RG name that was created)

Heads up! Remember to delete the created resources in the Azure portal or by running

  • az group delete --name ${env:RG_NAME}-xxx

Optional: add --name=<SOME_RANDOM_NAME> to the az deployment command to avoid naming/location conflicts later.


Demo of IaC with simple examples using Terraform and Bicep, on Azure






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