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RJSwiftMacros is a Swift package that provides swift macros


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RJSwiftMacros is a Swift package that provides macros.


All macros are used in SwiftUIDemo project. see the LINK.



MockBuilder macro doesn't work at SwiftUI #Preview macro. Here is a solution.


  • MockBuilder(numberOfItems: Int): Generates a mock instance and an array of mock data based on your model.
  • MockBuilder has MockBuilderProperty member macro, with which you can set the initial value to the desired property.
Key Features:
  • Default Usage: @MockBuilder() generates a one single mock instance.
  • Customizable: You can also specify parameter like numberOfItems if you need to have array of mock items.

MockBuilderProperty macro

  • MockBuilderProperty<T: Any>(value: T): Sets an initial value to a property within a struct or class.


  • CodingKeys(codingKeyType: CodingKeyType): Automatically generates CodingKeys for a struct based on the specified CodingKeyType which has two cases: .camelCase and .snakeCase.
  • CodingKeyProperty(:_): Allows you to adjust the coding key for a specific property.
  • CodingKeyIgnored(): Allows you to exclude specific properties from the coding process when using the CodingKeys macro.


Swift Package Manager

To depend on RJSwiftMacros in a SwiftPM package, add the following to your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "", from: "<#latest RJSwiftMacros tag#>"),

To add RJSwiftMacros as a dependency of your Xcode project, go to the Package Dependencies tab of your Xcode project, click the plus button and search for


MockBuilder macro

Import the RJSwiftMacros module and apply the macros to your structs and properties:

Usage of MockBuilder: Macro generates two static properties: mock and mockArray. mockArray count equals numberOfItems value. If you want to set a custom value to the desired property, use @MockBuilderProperty macro. If the custom value granted is prohibited you will get a swift standard warning error. image

To generate only .mock value, you can use @MockBuilder() without any param passing.


Type which participating in the mock building should have @MockBuilder() itself. Below example, we want to have let type: VehicleType mocked version, so VehicleType should have @MockBuilder()

import RJSwiftMacros

@MockBuilder(numberOfItems: 2)
enum VehicleType: String, Decodable {
    case car
    case bus
    case motorcycle

struct ExampleAllSupportedTypes {
    let intVariable: Int
    let int8Variable: Int8
    let int16Variable: Int16
    let int32Variable: Int32
    let int64Variable: Int64
    let uintVariable: UInt
    let uint8Variable: UInt8
    let uint16Variable: UInt16
    let uint32Variable: UInt32
    let uint64Variable: UInt64
    let floatVariable: Float
    let float32Variable: Float32
    let float64Variable: Float64
    let doubleVariable: Double
    let decimalVariable: Decimal
    let nsDecimalNumberVariable: NSDecimalNumber
    let stringVariable: String
    let boolVariable: Bool
    let dateVariable: Date
    let uuidVariable: UUID
    let cgPointVariable: CGPoint
    let cgRectVariable: CGRect
    let cgSizeVariable: CGSize
    let cgVectorVariable: CGVector
    let cgFloatVariable: CGFloat
    let urlVariable: URL
    let imageVariable: Image
    let colorVariable: Color
    let vehicle: VehicleType
    let availableTimeSlot: Set<String>
    let arrayOfString: [String]
    let closureVariable: () -> Void
    let tuples: ((String, String, Int), Bool?)

    let passthroughSubject: PassthroughSubject<Bool, Never>
    let currentValueSubject: CurrentValueSubject<Void, Never>

   #if DEBUG
   public static var mock: ExampleAllSupportedTypes {
           intVariable: 54248,
           int8Variable: 92,
           int16Variable: 17693,
           int32Variable: 1748550107,
           int64Variable: 85105,
           uintVariable: 75340,
           uint8Variable: 221,
           uint16Variable: 6060,
           uint32Variable: 34678,
           uint64Variable: 4145,
           floatVariable: 38105.523,
           float32Variable: 99252.86,
           float64Variable: 57161.44399989151,
           doubleVariable: 45860.372174783995,
           decimalVariable: 80414.91669166147584,
           nsDecimalNumberVariable: 57109.7344805794816,
           stringVariable: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
           boolVariable: false,
           dateVariable: Date(timeInterval: 77349, since: Date()),
           uuidVariable: UUID(),
           cgPointVariable: CGPoint(),
           cgRectVariable: CGRect(),
           cgSizeVariable: CGSize(),
           cgVectorVariable: CGVector(),
           cgFloatVariable: CGFloat(),
           urlVariable: URL(string: "")!,
           imageVariable: Image(systemName: "swift"),
           colorVariable: Color.primary.opacity(0.6),
           vehicle: VehicleType.mock,
           availableTimeSlot: Set<String>(),
           arrayOfString: ["in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore"]
                    "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit",
                    "Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident",
                    "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt",
           closureVariable: {},
           tuples: (("Duis ac tellus et risus vulputate vehicula", "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit", 42372),false),
           passthroughSubject: PassthroughSubject<Bool, Never>(),
           currentValueSubject: CurrentValueSubject<Void, Never>(())

To generate both .mock and .mockArray properties use @MockBuilder(numberOfItems: 2). numberOfItems is equal to the count of mock array.

import RJSwiftMacros

@MockBuilder(numberOfItems: 2)
struct Person {
    let name: String?
    let surname: [String]?
    @MockBuilderProperty(value: let color: Color?
    @MockBuilderProperty(value: Image(systemName: "swift")) let image: Image?
    @MockBuilderProperty(value: "k") let character: Character

    #if DEBUG
    static var mock: Person {
            name: "Lorna,
            surname: ["Clare"],
            image: Image(systemName: "swift"),
            character: "k"

    static var mockArray: [Person ] {
               name: "Valentina,
               surname: ["Queenie"],
               image: Image(systemName: "swift"),
               character: "k"
               name: "Lorna,
               surname: ["Bettye"],
               image: Image(systemName: "swift"),
               character: "k"

CodingKeys macro

Usage of CodingKeys without codingKeyType param passing generates CodingKeys with .camelCase. CodingKeys macro works only with stored property types. If you want to set custom coding key to the desired param, use @CodingKeyProperty(desired_value). To ignore desired param from CodingKeys enum, use @CodingKeyIgnored().

import RJSwiftMacros

class Car {
    let modelColor: String
    @CodingKeyProperty("car_model") let model: String
    @CodingKeyIgnored() let speed: Int

    init(modelColor: String, model: String, speed: Int) {
        self.modelColor = modelColor
        self.model = model
        self.speed = speed

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
       case modelColor
       case model = "car_model"

CodingKeys generation with .snakeCase.

import RJSwiftMacros

@CodingKeys(codingKeyType: .snakeCase)
struct University {
    let name: String
    let studentCapacity: Int
    let cars: [String]?
    var closure: (() -> ())?

    static var students: [String] = []
    var oldName: String {
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case name = "name"
        case studentCapacity = "student_capacity"
        case cars = "cars"


  • Swift 5.10 or later
  • macOS 10.15 or later
  • iOS 15 or later


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


For questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to