This app aims at providing a complete set of tools to ease the deployment of extern applications into a new one.
The only requirements is Django.
Using pip:
pip install git+ssh://
In your file just add 'modular' to the installed apps:
# ...
Then, you want the module manager to discover the available modules so complete your main file with:
from modular_blocks import modules
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# your patterns
urlpatterns += modules.get_patterns()
If you use i18n_patterns
urlpatterns += modules.get_i18n_patterns()
Then, load any module that you want from a template using the render module tag from the modules tag library. In the following example we are using the TwoModularColumnsMixin class to add two attributes (left and right sidebars) to our user object (and using AUTH_USER_MODEL variable).
{% load modules %}
{% for module in request.user.sidebar_left %}
<div class="module">
{% render_module module %}
{% endfor %}