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dsari - Do Something and Record It


dsari is a lightweight continuous integration (CI) system. It provides scheduling, concurrency management and trigger capabilities, and is easy to configure. Job scheduling is handled via dsari-daemon, while dsari-render may be used to format job run information as HTML.


dsari requires Python 3.6 or later, and will run on Unix-based platforms. It may use the following non-core packages:

  • PyYAML, for using YAML files as configuration files, triggers, etc
  • croniter, for parsing cron-style schedule definitions
  • python-dateutil, for parsing iCalendar RRULE-style schedule definitions, parsing human-readable trigger times, timezone support, etc (strongly recommended)
  • Jinja2, for rendering HTML reports
  • IPython, for better dsari-info shell interaction
  • termcolor, for colorized dsari-info TTY output
  • psycopg2, for PostgreSQL database support
  • mysqlclient (mysqldb), for MySQL database support
  • pymongo, for MongoDB database support

All non-core packages are optional, with the following limitations:

  • PyYAML is strongly recommended because people tend to prefer writing configuration files in YAML over JSON.
  • If neither croniter nor python-dateutil are installed, dsari-daemon will run, but it will not process scheduled runs (i.e. manual triggers only).
  • Jinja2 is only required if you intend to use dsari-render.
  • psycopg2, mysqlclient or pymongo are only required if you intend to use dsari with an alternative database. By default, dsari uses a SQLite 3 database.


dsari may be installed as any normal Python package:

$ sudo python3 install

When this is done, dsari will expect its configuration file -- dsari.yaml and/or dsari.json -- in /usr/local/etc/dsari/, and will store its data in /usr/local/lib/dsari/.

These locations may be customized by passing -c argument to dsari-* to specify the configuration directory, and the data_dir configuration option, respectively.

When dsari is installed directly in /usr/ (i.e. as part of distribution packaging), the default configuration and data directories will be /etc/dsari/ and /var/lib/dsari/, respectively.

dsari does not need to be installed at all, it can be run directly from the repository directory. In this case, the default configuration and data directories will be ~/.dsari/etc/ and ~/.dsari/var/, respectively.

The rest of these documents assume a locally-running setup, i.e. ~/.dsari/.


A basic configuration for dsari.yaml looks as follows:

    - /usr/bin/env
    schedule: "H/5 * * * *"

or for dsari.json:

    "jobs": {
        "sample-job": {
            "command": ["/usr/bin/env"],
            "schedule": "H/5 * * * *"

This defines a job named "sample-job", which is run every 5 minutes. Many more configuration options are available in the doc/ directory.


Once dsari is configured, run dsari-daemon. By default, dsari-daemon will run in the foreground, and can be used with a supervisor (upstart, systemd, supervisord, etc). If given -d, it will daemonize.

When a job is scheduled to be run, it produces a "run". Runs are identified by a UUID, the run output is stored in ~/.dsari/var/runs/, and data related to the run (start time, stop time, exit code, etc) is stored in a SQLite database at ~/.dsari/var/dsari.sqlite3.

When a run is executed, several environment variables are passed to the program to be run:


PREVIOUS_* variables are not set if there is no previous run. In addition, several extra environment variables are present, if the job's jenkins_environment option is set, to aid with migrations from Jenkins setups:



To render HTML reports, run dsari-render occasionally. This will produce a series of HTML files in ~/.dsari/var/html/. You may then serve these files, rsync them to a remote server, etc.

The dsari-info command may be used to retrieve information about jobs and runs.

The dsari-prometheus-exporter command may be used to start a metrics daemon suitable for ingestion into Prometheus.


dsari - Do Something and Record It

Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Ryan Finnie

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