Exploration of the effects of online personal attacks on victims' activity on social media (Reddit). It's the first large-scale (150K users who generated more than 180K comments), behavioral analysis that uses a high-precision Artificial Intelligence system and is not based on self-reported data. The data analysis has been conducted in R from three perspectives: (1)~classical statistical methods, (2)~Bayesian estimation, and (3)~model-theoretic analysis with hurdle and zero-inflated models. The key observation: personal attacks received online significantly decrease victims' online activity.
The actual research paper is available here.
Online walkthrough is available here.
Github folder with all the files is available here.
The datasets subfolder includes the dataset (quittingFinalAnon.csv) and the bayesian chains resulting from the bayesian analysis.
A pdf file with this walkthrough is available here and its R markdown source file is here.