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R Resources

Aariq edited this page Sep 15, 2017 · 7 revisions

A place to share R resources that have been valuable to you in the process of learning R for Data Science.

General Resources

Cheatsheets from RStudio

StackOverflow an excellent Q&A site for professional and enthusiast programmers

CrossValidated a question and answer site for people interested in statistics, machine learning, data analysis, data mining, and data visualization. Part of the Stack Exchange network of Q&A sites.

R Bloggers a R blog aggregator.


TryR online course covering the basics of R.

RStudio Webinars

User Contributed Resources

Intro R slides by Elana J Fertig

Data Scientist Workbench contributed by aaron_g

List of R Resources contributed by christina.maimone

Getting Started with R and RStudio contributed by ismayc

Top 50 ggplot2 Visualizations - The Master List (With Full R Code) contributed by rgaston5

ggplot from yhat contributed by rgaston5

Color Palette pickers for plotting

Paletton Has options for simulating 8 (eight!) different forms of colorblindness as well as low-quality displays.

Colormind Randomly generates color palettes or generates palettes from an uploaded image.

Adobe Color CC More customizable options, also can generate palette from an uploaded image.

Color Brewer Palettes for sequential, diverging, or qualitative data with a focus on maps and cartography. Also available from the RColorBrewer R package or throuh the scale_color_brewer() function in ggplot2

Viridis An R package for generating color palettes. Also available through the scale_color_viridis() function in ggplot2

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