The Kogito Serverless Operator is built in order to help the Kogito Serverless users to build and deploy easily on Kubernetes/Knative/OpenShift a service based on Kogito that will be able to execute a workflow.
The CustomResources defined and managed by this operator are the following:
- Workflow
- Platform
- Build
You’ll need a Kubernetes cluster to run against. You can use:
to get a local cluster for testing, or run against a remote cluster.
Note: Your controller will automatically use the current context in your kubeconfig file (i.e. whatever cluster kubectl cluster-info
minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 4096 --addons registry --addons metrics-server --insecure-registry "" --insecure-registry "localhost:5000"
Note: To speed up, you can increase cpus and memory options. For example, use --cpus 12 --memory 16384
Tip: If it does work with the default driver, aka docker
, you can try to start with the podman
minikube start [...] --driver podman
Important: There are some issues with the crio
container runtime and Kaniko that the operator is using. Reference: GoogleContainerTools/kaniko#2201
- Install the CRDs
make install
- Build and push your image to the location specified by
make docker-build docker-push IMG=<some-registry>/<context_namespace>/kogito-serverless-operator:tag
- Deploy the controller to the cluster with the image specified by
make deploy IMG=<some-registry>/kogito-serverless-operator:tag
This will deploy the operator into the kogito-serverless-operator-system
A good starting point to check that everything is working well, it is the Greeting workflow.
- Operator is deployed on the cluster
See Getting started
Follow these steps to create a container that you can than deploy as a Service on Kubernetes or KNative.
- Create a namespace for the building phase
kubectl create namespace kogito-workflows
- Create a secret for the container registry authentication
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<registry_url> --docker-username=<registry_username> --docker-password=<registry_password> --docker-email=<registry_email> -n kogito-workflows
or you directly import your local docker config into your kubernetes cluster:
kubectl create secret generic regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=${HOME}/.docker/config.json -n kogito-workflows
- Create a Platform containing the configuration (i.e. registry address, secret) for building your workflows:
You can find a basic Platform CR example in the config folder.
kubectl apply -f config/samples/sw.kogito_v1alpha08_kogitoserverlessplatform.yaml -n kogito-workflows
Note: In this Custom Resource, spec.platform.registry.secret
is the name of the secret you created just before.
Tip: You can also update "on-the-fly" the platform CR registry field with this command (change <YOUR_REGISTRY>
cat config/samples/sw.kogito_v1alpha08_kogitoserverlessplatform.yaml | sed "s|address: .*|address: <YOUR_REGISTRY>|g" | kubectl apply -n kogito-workflows -f -
- Install the Serverless Workflow custom resource:
kubectl apply -f config/samples/sw.kogito_v1alpha08_kogitoserverlessworkflow.yaml -n kogito-workflows
- You can check the logs of the build of your workflow via:
kubectl logs kogito-greeting-builder -n kogito-workflows
The final pushed image should be printed into the logs at the end of the build.
You will need to remove the different resources you created.
- Remove created workflow resources
kubectl delete -f config/samples/sw.kogito_v1alpha08_kogitoserverlessworkflow.yaml -n kogito-workflows
- Remove the
kubectl delete namespace kogito-workflows
- Remove the operator
make undeploy
In the development mode, a user can edit and reload the files using the quarkus dev mode. To enable the dev mode add this annotation into the KogitoServerlessWorkflow CR: dev
In development mode, different external files can be edited.
Each file type should be saved into a different configmap.
In order to be able to edit a file via a configmap, you must set up an annotation in your KogitoServerlessWorkflow CR which reference the specific configmap which is already existing into the namespace.
Then, each annotation entry will be turned into a file inside the path src/main/resources/<File type specific folder>
and using the key as the filename.
See the table below for the supported types and the corresponding annotations and folder paths.
File type | Annotation | Folder path |
CamelRoute | | src/main/resources/routes |
AsyncApi | | src/main/resources/templates |
OpenApi | | src/main/resources/specs |
Generic | | src/main/resources/generic |
You could see an example of configmap and a workflow with one of this annotation in the file
By default the builder image use a stable version aligned to the Kogito version.
In the dev mode you can override the default builder image using the devBaseImage in the KogitoServerlessPlatform:
kind: KogitoServerlessPlatform
name: kogito-workflow-platform
cluster: kubernetes
secret: regcred
You can find some scripts in the hack folder.
will install operator and deploy all resources in your current
will remove the created workflow resource
If you give the-A
option, it will also remove the operator from the cluster.
Setup a pipeline on a Openshift cluster.
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