A device app for Garmin Smart Watches intended for mountain tours.
It has two data fields with values which I find useful during mountain tours.
Currently it is only working on the vívoactive 3 series. Currently only english and german translations are available.
The first DataField contains informations which are of permanent interest during mountain tours, and should be easily readable while walking or climbing.
- current altitiude
- current heart rate
- total ascent and total descent (in my opinion the ascent and descent are more important during mountain tours than the elapsed distance, which can be found on DataField 2)
- elapsed time
- battery status icon
- current clock time
The second DataField contains informations which may be useful on mountain tours, but not of permanent interest or not frequently needed. Values on this DataField:
- current position (latitude/longitude in decimal degrees, like on Google Maps)
- current heading (degrees and letters)
- time of sunrise and time of sunset at the current location
- burned calories during this activity
- elapsed distance during this activity (in my opinion the ascent and descent are more important during mountain tours, so these values are on DataField 1)
- battery status icon
- current clock time
- current temperature in degrees celsius
- current barometric pressure and mean sea level pressure (altitude and temperature compensated value) in hPa
- more translations (help is appreciated!)
- a confirmation dialog before discarding an activity
- maybe some graphs (heart rate, altitude)
- maybe a very simple map with way points
- suggestions are welcome