This web-based AngularJS and Flask application allows users to perform simple operations on NetApp volumes.
Operations that this app provide include:
- Displaying volumes and their snapshots
- Creating snapshots with specified or default names
- Renaming snapshots
- Deleting snapshots
- Restoring snapshots
More specific features LDAP authentication, RFCChecker (using sql query)
- See requirements.txt for list of python requirements from pip
- xml2json js library is used (
- ngProgress AngularJS progressbar (
- NetApp python SDK libraries #, Tested with SDK5. Available from NetApp
No building required, simply use git to checkout the project where you want to run from (ie: /var/www/html) After checking out the project, edit the snapmgr/config.ini to set the connection info for your NetApp SVM. is a wrapper script you can use to deploy snapmgr (and update it subsequently)
- VolFilters : is a list of strings used to exclude volumes from being displayed on the page
- Debug : Debug mode enables additional logging on the server side. It also enables Flask debugging and should be set to False in real deployments
- AuthRequired : If true the LDAP connection info needs to be supplied. When a user hits the page they will need to input their LDAP username/password to access the page
- LdapServer : Format is ldap(s)://<>
- BaseUserDn : Base search DN for LDAP users
- TLSCACertFile : If using LDAPS a path to the cacert may be required
- RFCRequired : If true for a specific environment, the server will check an RFC Database to ensure that an RFC is created before allowing a Snapshot Restore to proceed
- Environments : This is a list of NetApp environments to allow the user to connect to. Each string in this list must have a subsection with connection info.
- Server : Server where RFC Database runs
- Port : Port to connect to the RFC Database on
- DB : Name of the RFC database
- User/Password : User/Password of user who has access to RFC database (read-only access is enough)
- Driver : Driver used by pyodbc to connect to database (ie: PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc)
[ENVIRONMENTS] One [ENV] section is required for each string in Environments parameter.
These parameters override anything specified in the DEFAULT section.
- NAHost : hostname or IP address of NetApp SVM to connect to
- User/Password : User/Password of user who has been given access to ONTAP within NetApp SVM
- Debug : You can set parameters in each environment section.
For example, set Debug: True in [TEST] section to enable debugging for only the TEST environment.
Don't include Debug in the [PROD] and it will default to the Debug value set in [DEFAULT] section
This app requires the NetApp python libraries (, to communicate with the NetApp SVM. These libraries are not included in this project but are available from the vendor.
[rgroten@rgroten-fed ~] $ git clone rlx7009:/git/NetAppSnapManager
[rgroten@rgroten-fed ~] $ cd NetAppSnapManager
[rgroten@rgroten-fed NetAppSnapManager] $ sudo dnf install python-virtualenv gcc-c++ openldap-devel unixODBC-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel
[rgroten@rgroten-fed NetAppSnapManager] $ virtualenv env
[rgroten@rgroten-fed NetAppSnapManager] $ source env/bin/activate
(env)[rgroten@rgroten-fed NetAppSnapManager] $ pip install -r snapmgr/requirements.txt
[rgroten@rgroten-fed NetAppSnapManager] $ ./
For simple testing purposes, you can now run the app using Flask's built-in webserver (NOT to be used for real/prod environments):
(env)[rgroten@rgroten-fed NetAppSnapManager] $ cd snapmgr
(env)[rgroten@rgroten-fed snapmgr] $ python
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
For help or questions please email me
SnapManager - Web client for performing snapshot tasks on NetApp Volumes using NetApp ONTAP
Copyright (C) 2015 Ryan Groten
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.