Collection of oVirt/RHEV SDK python scripts
Tool for managing disks for oVirt/RHEV from the command line. Provides the ability to create, attach/detach, delete both internal (pool) disks and direct attach (lun) disks to VMs. Requires so keep them in the same directory
Before running, you must create a ~/.ovirtparams file in your home directory which contains the connection information for your Manager instance. A sample .ovirtparams file can be found in the repo. You can add multiple connection sections to the file if connecting to multiple different Managers.
usage: [-h] [-r RHEVM] {attach,create,detach,delete} ...
Create, attach, delete RHEV disks
positional arguments:
attach Attach existing disk to a VM.
detach Detach existing disk from a VM.
create Create a new disk (or direct lun) and optionally attach it to a VM.
delete Delete a disk or direct lun (must be detached from all VMs first).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r RHEVM, --rhevm RHEVM
Specify RHEV Manager to connect to
[rgroten@rg-rhevm ~] $ create -n rgtest -d test_disk -s 5
Will create new disk test_disk with size 5368709120
Created disk: test_disk with size 5368709120
[rgroten@rg-rhevm ~] $ detach -w -d test_disk -n rgtest
Deactivating disk: test_disk
[rgroten@rg-rhevm ~] $ detach -d test_disk -n rgtest
Disk is already deactivated
Detaching disk test_disk from rgtest
[rgroten@rg-rhevm ~] $ attach -w -d test_disk -n rgtest
Attaching test_disk to rgtest
[rgroten@rg-rhevm ~] $ attach -d test_disk -n rgtest
Disk test_disk is already attached
Activating disk: test_disk
[rgroten@rg-rhevm ~] $ detach -d test_disk -n rgtest
Deactivating disk: test_disk
Detaching disk test_disk from rgtest
[rgroten@rg-rhevm ~] $ delete -d test_disk
Will destroy disk test_disk with size 5368709120. Are you sure? (Y/[N])
Disk test_disk deleted
[rgroten@rg-rhevm ~] $ create -n rgtest -d test_lun -l 3600a098038303053453f463045727459
Detach direct attach disk, note other than creation all commands on internal disks and direct attach disks are the same
[rgroten@rg-rhevm ~] $ detach -n rgtest -d test_lun
Deactivating disk: test_lun
Detaching disk test_lun from rgtest
[rgroten@rg-rhevm ~] $ delete -d test_lun -y
Assuming Yes since -y used...
Disk test_lun deleted
Simple python script connects to oVirt/RHEV Manager to check if it's available. Can make it automatically restart the manager service or add in another action like notify admin team.
This script will backup your oVirt/RHEV Manager database and copy it to a standby host, then cleanup any old backups stored on the standby. Run from cron. As of RHEV/oVirt 3.6 this script can be replaced with a built-in monitor on storage domains.
Script to alert users if a storage pool fills up beyond a certain threshold. Threshold percentage can be specified in ovirt-check-storage-pools.inf file.