This is the list of programs I use to get things done quickly. Like my good friend Mandla, I tend to select programs that:
Do one thing, and only one thing
Do that one thing well and fast
Don’t drag my system down
Do it in style
I prefer CLI over GUI. I like to enable Vim keybindings accross all programs.
You can find below my programs loosely grouped in the following categories: Internet, Multimedia, Utilities, Documents, Security and Science.
Network manager: netcl
Web browser: firefox, chrome, vimb(?)
Add-ons web browser: pentadactyl, todoist
Youtube downloader: youtube-dl
Bit torrent client: transmission
Email client: gmail
Instant messaging: pidgin ?,
IRC client: irssi
Tunneling reverse proxy: ngrok
Text editor: Vim
Display manager: XMonad
Task manager: Todoist, Task
Screen saver: xscreensaver
Softphone: skype, hangout
News aggregator: newsbeuter ?
Blog: jekyll ?
Twitter client: ?
Pastebin client: gist
xdotools ?
file explorer: ranger, vifm
Image viewer: feh
Raster editor: gimp, imagemagick
Poster printing: posterazor
Vector graphics: dia, inkscape,
3D modeling/rendering: blender
Screen capture: scrot
Audio player: mpd, cmus
Video player: vlc
Volume manager: ?
CD ripping: ?
Sound editing:
Mobile phone manager: gnokii
Video editor:
Screencast: ?
Collection manager: xbmc
Graph visualization: graphviz
Digital graphics: Processing
Video/DVD ripper and encoder: transcode
AVI joiner: transcode with avimerge
Radio service: rpd
programming language: ruby
Web framework: rails
Ruby version management: rbenv
Version control system: git
CSS front-end framework: bootstrap
Source file indexer: ctags
Headless Webkit: phantomjs
Code-searching tool: the_silver_searcher
Partition tools:
Shell: zsh
cd command alternative: autojump (experimental)
Terminal emulator: urxvt, Termite (oneday?), tilda
Comparison: vimdiff
Disk usage: filelight ?, ncdu ?
Clock synchronization: ntpd
System monitoring: conky?, htop,
System information viewer: alsi?,
Clipboard manager: xclip
Wallpaper setter: feh
Package management: pacman, packer
Terminal multiplexer: tmux
Window manager: xmonad
Notification daemon: dunst
application launcher: dmenu
finance: gnucash
Time management: taskwarrior, wyrd (oneday)
Login manager: slim, gdm
Office suite: libreoffice, google docs
Document markup language: asciidoc, pandoc
Spreadsheets: libreoffice calc
Scientific documents: latex
Text editor: vim
E-book reader: calibre
Pdf/Djvu/postscript/comicbook viewer: zathura
Comic book viewer: zathura, mcomix?, qcomicBook ?
Terminal pagers: less, vimpager
Chm: chmsee
OCR software: ?
Note taking organizers: org-mode ?
Flash card: Anki
Security scanner: nmap
Network intrusion prevention and detection system: snort
Network protocol analyzer: wireshark
Vulnerability scanner: nessus
Intrusion detection system: tripwire
Backup program: #TODO
Screen locker: xscreensaver
Hash checker: md5sum
Encryption: gnupg, pgp ?
Router simulator: gns
Operating system: Arch Linux
Virtual server: virtualbox
System and service manager: systemd
Job scheduler: systemd/cron
Self-monitoring, analysis and reporting: smartmontools
File manager: vifm, ranger(?)