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About Project

This is a marketplace store where users can register on the site and sell products.
This project generated by restfull architecture with django.


  1. Python
  2. Django
  3. Django-Rest-Framework
  4. Rabbitmq
  5. Redis
  6. Celery
  7. Celery beat


Clone Project

$ git clone

Create venv and activate

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ python3 venv/bin/activate

Install Requirements.txt

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Start Rabbitmq

$ sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server

Start Redis

$ sudo systemctl start redis

Start Celery

$ celery -A DrfShop worker -l INFO

Start Celery Beat

$ celery -A DrfShop beat -l INFO --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler

Run Project

$ python runserver

Now project is up on : localhost:8000/