Tools for working with behaviors and blueprints from Desynced.
Try online at or for command line tools:
npm install -g desynced-tools
Usage: ds-disas filename.txt
Converts a Desynced blueprint or behavior string to assembly language. The output filename will be the input with ".asm" added. To produce the input file, copy a behavior or blueprint in the game and then paste that into a plain text file.
Usage: ds-as filename.asm
Convert from assembly language back into a Desynced clipboard string. The output filename will be the input with ".txt" added.
Usage: js2ds filename.js
or js2ds filename.ts
Convert from JavaScript or TypeScript to desynced-tools assembly language. The output filename will be the input with ".asm" added.
Checkout out the code from
First run npm install
to install dependencies, then run npm run generate
to generate required code.
To build the web demo:
npm run esbuild
- Extract the monaco 0.45.0 distribution into website/monaco-editor-0.45.0/