A simple remote Shell system , see "hw1.txt" to know the function , see "hw1_spec.txt" to know how to start it . Use client.c(by tutor) to test the server .
A simple Chat-like remote working system . There is two version , Single Process Concurrent Socket and Shared Memory version . See "hw2.txt" to know the function , see "Hw2_spec_append.txt" to get some extra rules . Use delayclient.c(by tutor) to test the server .
- Part 1 : A simple CGI program for connecting to Project1/2 Server (in C/C++) .
- Part 2 : A simple HTTP Server for processing .html and Part1 CGI .
- Part 3 : HTTP Server + CGI(same as Part1) using Winsock (in Visual Studio).
See "hw3_spec.txt" and "notes.txt" to know how to use them , see pdfs to know the concept about Http Server/CGI/Winsock , here are some references :
- About socket blocking/Non-blocking/Sync/Async : http://blog.csdn.net/hguisu/article/details/7453390
- Winsock tutorial (in Chinese): See pdf/WinsockTutorial.pdf
- Part 1 : A simple Proxy Server (Using SOCKS4) with two mode : CONNECT & BIND , also supports firewall .
- Part 2 : Modify Project 3's CGI program to Proxy version (SOCKS4 client) .
See "NP_project4.doc" and "DetailSpec.doc" to get more information about this project , see "Socks_server.pttx" to know some concept about SOCKS4(Proxy) .