A one-week group project developed after classes in our “spare-time”.
Our idea was to make a PvP game, where the objective is to kill the other player, catching potions that, randomly, spawn in the arena.
We set the project objectives and constructed a class diagram UML. Our MVP was going be two rectangles firing smaller rectangles, like bullets, trying to kill each other. We started by making the two rectangles move inside an arena and made them shoot bullets. First, we made the movement of the players and bullets follow a grid, but later we started to implement movement by pixels, to make our game animations much smoother. After implementing the basic movement, we started to think about how we were going to manage the collisions, and then we implemented it. We also made the players shoot bullets and decrease their health when they got hit. We managed to finish the project in one week, and the final result was better than we aspired to, at first. It turned out to be a fun project that made us smile!
My main role, besides helping the team and brainstorming, was to work on the movement of the players, collisions and to build the arena.
Java, IntelliJ, Linux, Mac OS, Simple Gfx, Adobe Photoshop, Git.
- Denise Machado - denisemachado
- João Madeira - hattomhub
- Josué Almeida - z3ux
- Ricardo Dias - ricardosnaw
- Ruben Brandão - rvbrd