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App Template

Use this to seed new Flask projects

Creating a new project

Clone the App Template project:

git clone myapp

get all the submodules

cd myapp
git submodule update --init --recursive

This will initialise and clone the esprit and magnificent octopus libraries, and all of their submodules in turn

Change the origin url, so you can push code to your own repo:

git remote set-url origin <git url of new repo home>
git push -u origin master

Create your local config

cd myapp
touch local.cfg

Then you can override any config values that you need to

Update, to include your app's name and description


Replace this with the file which contains your application's installation instructions


You should also edit the new file and fill in all the blanks/details.

Now commit those changes and you're ready to begin development with a clean slate

git add .
git commit -m "prep app for development"
git push origin master

Create your virtualenv and activate it

virtualenv /path/to/venv
source /path/tovenv/bin/activate

Installing locally for development

Either use the requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Or follow these instructions:

Install esprit and magnificent octopus (in that order)

cd myapp/esprit
pip install -e .

cd myapp/magnificent-octopus
pip install -e .

To start your application, you'll also need to install it into the virtualenv just this first time

cd myapp
pip install -e .

Then, start your app with

python service/

If you want to specify your own root config file, you can use

APP_CONFIG=path/to/ python service/

Git Flow

To use git flow for development and release procedures, initialise in the local app directory

git flow init

You should accept all the default naming conventions.

Then push the new develop branch to github

git push origin develop

Finally on github go to the app settings page and change the default branch to "develop":[your app]/settings

Magnificent Octopus

For details about the modules available to you in magnificent octopus, see the README

If you want to make local modifications to your magnificent octopus repo, with a view to merging them back into the master at some point in the future, then do the following

First checkout your own branch as a clone of the master branch, and push it into the magnificent-octopus repo:

cd myapp/magnificent-octopus
git checkout master
git checkout myapp
git push origin myapp

This means you will be able to modify the code locally, and push changes to the branch, without affecting the master. From time to time you might want to merge the master with your branch, to keep up to date with the latest changes. When you want to contribute code to the master, just merge your branch down to the master and push.


Flask webapp template






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