A project which showcases usage of AndroidAnnotions among other open source libraries.
- Model-View-Presenter architectural pattern
- AndroidAnnotations
- Connectivity aware retrofit client
- Network and database errorhandling
- Uncaught errorhandling
- Navigator to get current activity onscreen
- SnappyDB base implementation for storing everything
- Loading toast progress
- Commons library with a lot of util classes and great 3rd party widgets
- Robolectric tests with MockWebServer
Dependecy Injection, EventBinding, Threading, Resource Injection
Http client
- HomePage Link
REST client
Json serialization
SharedPreferences, NoSQL database, Cache
Imageloader and cacher
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link
- HomePage Link