python mini project for LTTS
This project in python has a simple and clear interface for maintaining Customer Records in any hotel. It uses functions along with file I/O operations and writes data to file. It allows the admin to add new customer records , update customer records based on booking id , delete customer records , search customer records on the basis of name or booking id and also to display all the current available customer records. It stores the personal details of the guest and their check-in and check-out details as well as booking and bill details. While updating records one can keep some fields same and update the rest. Admins can use this also to pre book guests's bookings and can find it later using the search feature. Any modifications to be done using the update customer booking details feature. The customer record data can be found in the customer file in the Record folder. All past bookings can also be seen by the display all records feature . Any booking cancellation can be done using delete record feature.