An all-in-one server management tool for Astroneer Dedicated Servers.
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- Table of Contents
- Overview
- What does it do?
- INI File options
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Contributing
- License
- Contact
This tool is perfect for you if you are hosting your own dedicated server for Astroneer. It has many features to make hosting a lot easier like automatic restarts, advanced logging, and a webinterface.
- Automatic initial download and updating of your server to the latest version!
- Verifies your network settings to check for Port Forwarding/NAT Loopback
- Automatically sets up the base Config files
- Fixes the double server problem in the server list
- Starts, and automatically restarts the server
- Displays when users join/leave the server
- Keeps a log of everything in the logs folder
- Ability to send all logs to a Discord webhook!
- Auto Restart every X hours
- Backup Retention for X hours
- Web Interface w/ login to monitor server data, force saves and restarts, and manage users (kick, ban, whitelist, admin)
Below are the descriptions and defaults for the INI file options. Do not copy/paste this into the INI file, allow the INI file to be automatically generated. Every option must be present and set, and there must be no comments or extra options.
# Enables/Disables Auto Update for the Launcher
AutoUpdateLauncherSoftware = True
# Enables/Disables Auto Update for the Server.
AutoUpdateServerSoftware = True
# Allows the launcher and server to auto update every time the server restarts
UpdateOnServerRestart = True
# Disable the server console popup window.
HideServerConsoleWindow = False
# Disable the Launcher console popup window.
HideLauncherConsoleWindow = False
# Specifies how often the launcher will check for players joining/leaving
ServerStatusFrequency = 2
# Specifies how often the launcher will check for server registration status
PlayfabAPIFrequency = 2
# How many times to allow Playfab to fail before restarting the server
HeartBeatFailRestartServer = 8
# Disable Backup Retention
DisableBackupRetention = False
# How many hours of saves should the launcher retain
BackupRetentionPeriodHours= 72
# Location to backup the save files to
BackupRetentionFolderLocation = Astro\Saved\Backup\LauncherBackups
# Enable auto restart
EnableAutoRestart = False
# Timestamp you want to synchronize with. 00:00 or "midnight" work for midnight. Disable with "False". No quotes.
# Example: If set to 03:35, with AutoRestartEveryHours set to 6, it will restart at 03:35, 09:35, 15:35, and 21:35 every day
AutoRestartSyncTimestamp = 00:00
# After the first restart specified above, how often do you want to restart?
AutoRestartEveryHours = 24
# Disable the Port Forward / NAT Loopback check on startup
DisableNetworkCheck = False
# Always Overwrite the PublicIP setting in AstroServerSettings.ini
OverwritePublicIP = True
# Enable/Disable showing server FPS in console. This will probably spam your console when playing are in your server
ShowServerFPSInConsole = True
# When launched in Administrator Mode, Astro Launcher will attempt to automatically configure the firewall settings
AdminAutoConfigureFirewall = True
# How long to keep server logs before removing them. This does not control debug logs.
LogRetentionDays = 7
# Discord Webhook URL to display AstroLauncher console data in a discord channel
DiscordWebHookURL: str = ""
# Discord Webhook Log Level, all / cmd / chat
DiscordWebHookLevel: str = "cmd"
# This is the URL the webserver serves to interact with the webhook.
RODataURL: str = secrets.token_hex(16)
# Disable the Web Management Server
DisableWebServer = False
# Set the port you want the Web Management Server to run on
WebServerPort = 5000
# Automatically generated SHA256 password hash for the admin panel in the webserver
WebServerPasswordHash =
# The Base URL that the Web Server hosts at. '/astroneer' would be . Must start with and end with a /
WebServerBaseURL = /
# Enable HTTPS for the webserver. If no/wrong Cert/Key files are specified, defaults to False
EnableWebServerSSL = False
# Port you want to use if SSL works
SSLPort = 443
# Paths to Cert and Key files
SSLCertFile =
SSLKeyFile =
# CPU Affinity - Specify logical cores to run on. Automatically chooses if empty.
# ex:
# CPUAffinity=0,1,3,5,9
CPUAffinity =
Recommended: Most people will want to just run the .exe, check out the Latest Release for a download of the executable.
To get a local "from-source" copy up and running follow these simple steps:
- Python 3.7
- pip / pipenv
- Clone the AstroLauncher repository
git clone
- Install python modules using pip or pipenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
pipenv install
Run the server launcher using the following command
pipenv run python
If not placed in the same directory as the server files, you can specify a server folder location like so
python --path "steamapps\common\ASTRONEER Dedicated Server"
pipenv run python -p "steamapps\common\ASTRONEER Dedicated Server"
- If you want to turn this project into an executable, make sure to install pyinstaller using one of the following methods
pip install pyinstaller
pipenv install -d
- Run pyinstaller with the all-in-one flag
pyinstaller -F --add-data "assets;./assets" --icon=assets/astrolauncherlogo.ico
or just run the which automatically cleans up afterwards
- Move the executable (in the new
folder) to the directory of your choice. (If you want you can now delete thedist
folders, as well as the.spec
file) - Run AstroLauncher.exe
AstroLauncher.exe -p "steamapps\common\ASTRONEER Dedicated Server"
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
If you have any questions you can join the Astroneer discord ( and ask in the #self_host_talk channel
Project Link: