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Ansible Role: Firewall


Install and configure firewall (nftables based) on Linux.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below along with default values (see defaults\main.yaml)

Enabling NAT and traffic forwarding

  • firewall_forward_enabled : Enable or disable traffic forwarding support on a given host. [default : false].
  • firewall_nat_enabled : Enable or disable NAT support on a given host. [default : false].

Define default open ports

  • in_tcp_port : IN TCP traffic is allowed on these ports. [default : { ssh }].
  • in_udp_port : IN UDP traffic is allowed on these ports. [default : { snmp }].
  • out_tcp_port : OUT TCP traffic is allowed on these ports. [default : { http, https, ssh }].
  • out_udp_port : OUT UDP traffic is allowed on these ports. [default : { domain, bootps , ntp }].

Rules Dictionaries

For each chain within ip table (input, output, forward) and nat table (nat-prerouting and nat-postrouting), nft rules are stored in dictionaries that can be overriding at group and host level.

Variables and definition sets and global rules

Set of var and set definitions used by the different rule chains and global chain rules that can be invoke from other chain using the rule jump global

define sets global chain
nft_define_default nft_set_default nft_global_default
nft_define_group nft_set_group nft_global_group_rules
nft_define_host nft_set_host nft_global_host_rules

IP table rules

input chain output chain forward chain
nft_input_default_rules nft_output_default_rules nft_forward_default_rules
nft_input_group_rules nft_output_group_rules nft_forward_group_rules
nft_input_host_rules nft_output_host_rules nft_forward_host_rules

Nat table rules

prerouting chain postrouting chain
nft_nat_default_prerouting_rules nft_nat_default_postrouting_rules
nft_nat_group_prerouting_rules nft_nat_group_postrouting_rules
nft_nat_host_prerouting_rules nft_nat_host_postrouting_rules

Each type of rules dictionaries will be merged and rules will be applied in the alphabetical order of the keys (the reason to use 000 to 999 as prefix). So :

  • nft_*_default_rules : Define default rules for all nodes. You can define it in group_vars/all.
  • nft_*_group_rules : Can add rules and override those defined by nft_*_default_rules and nft_*_rules. You can define it in group_vars/group_servers.
  • nft_*_host_rules : Can add rules and override those define by nft_*_default_rules, nft_*_group_rules and nft_*_rules. You can define it in host_vars/specific_host.

Default nftables configuration

By default the role will generate the following configurations file:


#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
# Ansible managed

# clean
flush ruleset

include "/etc/nftables.d/defines.nft"

table inet filter {
	chain global {
		# 000 state management
		ct state established,related accept
		ct state invalid drop
	include "/etc/nftables.d/sets.nft"
	include "/etc/nftables.d/filter-input.nft"
	include "/etc/nftables.d/filter-output.nft"


  # broadcast and multicast
  define badcast_addr = {,, }

  # broadcast and multicast
  define ip6_badcast_addr = { ff02::16 }

  # in_tcp_accept
  define in_tcp_accept = { ssh }

  # in_udp_accept
  define in_udp_accept = { snmp }

  # out_tcp_accept
  define out_tcp_accept = { http, https, ssh }

  # out_udp_accept
  define out_udp_accept = { domain, bootps , ntp }


  set blackhole {
        type ipv4_addr;
        elements = $badcast_addr

  set in_tcp_accept {
        type inet_service; flags interval;
        elements = $in_tcp_accept

  set in_udp_accept {
        type inet_service; flags interval;
        elements = $in_udp_accept

  set ip6blackhole {
        type ipv6_addr;
        elements = $ip6_badcast_addr

  set out_tcp_accept {
        type inet_service; flags interval;
        elements = $out_tcp_accept

  set out_udp_accept {
        type inet_service; flags interval;
        elements = $out_udp_accept


chain input {
        # 000 policy
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
        # 005 global
        jump global
        # 010 drop unwanted
        ip daddr @blackhole counter drop
        # 011 drop unwanted ipv6
        ip6 daddr @ip6blackhole counter drop
        # 015 localhost
        iif lo accept
        # 050 icmp
        meta l4proto {icmp,icmpv6} accept
        # 200 input udp accepted
        udp dport @in_udp_accept ct state new accept
        # 210 input tcp accepted
        tcp dport @in_tcp_accept ct state new accept


chain output {
        # 000 policy
        type filter hook output priority 0; policy drop;
        # 005 global
        jump global
        # 015 localhost
        oif lo accept
        # 050 icmp
        ip protocol icmp accept
        ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 counter accept
        # 200 output udp accepted
        udp dport @out_udp_accept ct state new accept
        # 210 output tcp accepted
        tcp dport @out_tcp_accept ct state new accept
        # 250 reset-ssh
        tcp sport ssh tcp flags { rst, psh | ack } counter accept

And the followint ruleset on the host (showed executing nft list ruleset command):

table inet filter {
        set blackhole {
                type ipv4_addr
                elements = {,,

        set in_tcp_accept {
                type inet_service
                flags interval
                elements = { 22 }

        set in_udp_accept {
                type inet_service
                flags interval
                elements = { 161 }

        set ip6blackhole {
                type ipv6_addr
                elements = { ff02::16 }

        set out_tcp_accept {
                type inet_service
                flags interval
                elements = { 22, 80, 443 }

        set out_udp_accept {
                type inet_service
                flags interval
                elements = { 53, 67, 123 }

        chain global {
                ct state established,related accept
                ct state invalid drop

        chain input {
                type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
                jump global
                ip daddr @blackhole counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop
                ip6 daddr @ip6blackhole counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop
                iif "lo" accept
                meta l4proto { icmp, ipv6-icmp } accept
                udp dport @in_udp_accept ct state new accept
                tcp dport @in_tcp_accept ct state new accept

        chain output {
                type filter hook output priority filter; policy drop;
                jump global
                oif "lo" accept
                ip protocol icmp accept
                ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept
                udp dport @out_udp_accept ct state new accept
                tcp dport @out_tcp_accept ct state new accept
                tcp sport 22 tcp flags { rst, psh | ack } counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept



Example Playbooks

Apply default rules

Install and configure a firewall on a host with default rules

- hosts: serverx
    - ricsanfre.firewall

in group_vars/all.yml you could override the default rules for all your hosts:

  000 policy:
    - type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
  005 global:
    - jump global
  010 drop unwanted:
    - ip daddr @blackhole counter drop
  011 drop unwanted ipv6:
    - ip6 daddr @ip6blackhole counter drop
  015 localhost:
    - iif lo accept
  050 icmp:
    - meta l4proto {icmp,icmpv6} accept
  200 input udp accepted:
    - udp dport @in_udp_accept ct state new accept
  210 input tcp accepted:
    - tcp dport @in_tcp_accept ct state new accept

Modify default rules at group level

Openning HTTP incoming traffic for webservers group:

In group_vars/webservers.yml this can be done modifying in_tcp_port :

in_tcp_port: { ssh, http }

Or adding a new specific rule

  220 input web accepted:
    - tcp dport http ct state new accept

Modify defaults + group rules at host level

Openning HTTPS incoming traffic for secureweb host in host_vars/secureweb.yml you would want to open https and remove access to http:

  220 input web accepted: []
  230 input secure web accepted:
    - tcp dport https ct state new accept

Default rules can be deleted

To "delete" rules, you just assign an empty list to an existing dictionary key: Example: remove disable ICMP incoming traffic

  050 icmp: []

Remove default rules for allowing all outgoing traffic. in a specific group_vars/group.yml

  000 policy:
    - type filter hook output priority 0;
  005 global:
  015 localhost:
  050 icmp:
  200 output udp accepted:
  210 output tcp accepted:
  250 reset-ssh:

000 policy default rule is overridden to accept all traffic and the rest of rules are removed.

To summarize, rules in nft_X_host_rules will overwrite rules in nft_X_group_rules, and then rules in nft_X_group_rules will overwrite rules in nft_X_default_rules.



Author Information

Ricardo Sanchez (ricsanfre)


Ansible role for configuring a firewall based on nftables








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