Install a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) image ( We suggest to create a virtual machine )
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install git-core -y
$ adduser ubuntu
$ visudo
add this line to the file below the root user
ubuntu ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
**OR use this if you dont want to type your password to sudo a command**
if /dev/pts/0 does not have read/write for your user
$ chmod 660 /dev/pts/0
Note that this number can change and if you can not connect to the screen session then the /dev/pts/# needs modding like above.
$ su ubuntu
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd reddwarf-integration/scripts/
Run this to get the command list with a short description of each
$ ./redstack
This Brings up reddwarf (rd-api rd-tmgr) and initializes the reddwarf database.
$ ./redstack install
$ screen -x stack
If that command fails with the error
Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/1'
If that command fails with the error chmod the corresponding /dev/pts/#
$ chmod 660 /dev/pts/1
Allows the services to continue running in the background
ctrl+a then d
Add mysql as a parameter to set build and add the mysql guest image
$ ./redstack kick-start mysql
$ ./redstack start
or, to run outside of a screen:
$ ./redstack run
Optional commands if you did not run kick-start
$ ./redstack build
$ ./redstack test-init
$ ./redstack build-image mysql
This sets of the authorization endpoint and gets a token for you
$ ./redstack rd-client
This sets of the authorization endpoint and gets a token for you
$ ./redstack nova-client
$ killall -9 screen
$ RECLONE=yes ./redstack install
$ ./redstack kick-start mysql
$ RECLONE=yes ./redstack install
$ ./redstack build
$ ./redstack test-init
$ ./redstack build-image mysql
If the VM was restarted, then the process for bringing up Openstack and Reddwarf if quite simple
$./redstack start-deps
$./redstack start
use screen to ensure all modules have started without error
$screen -r stack
$screen -r reddwarf
We found out that if you are running ubuntu with KVM or Qemu it can be extemely slow. We found some ways of making this better with in VMware settings. On a clean install of ubuntu 12.04 enable these options in VMware. (likey the same in other virutalizing platforms)
Shutdown the Ubuntu VM.
Go to the VM Settings -> Processors & Memory -> Advanced Options Check the "Enable hypervisor applications in this virtual machine" There is one other option that may improve your performance overall as well.
Go to the VM Settings -> Advanced Set the "Troubleshooting" option to "None"
I would suggest after setting these create a snapshot so that in cases where things break down you can revert to a clean snapshot.
Boot up the VM and run the
./redstack install
To verify that KVM is setup properly after the devstack installation you can run these commands.
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ kvm-ok
INFO: /dev/kvm exists
KVM acceleration can be used