- It is an app for practising general knowledge for aptitude tests.
- A new quiz will be uploaded daily.
- User can also use the date picker feature to select the quiz of a particular date.
- Log in and Log out
- sign up
- Can pick quiz of a particular date using datePicker
- One time login
- App Drawer
- To use the app clone the repo.
- Then run the application in Android Studio using an android emulator or an android phone or an IOS phone.
- Then run the app on emulator and you will be directed to welcome screen.
- On welcome screen press the 'Get Started' button and it will direct you to login screen.
- If you have already registered in the App then enter you credentials and press 'Login' button.
- If not then click on the "Don't you have an account ? Sign Up" text and it will redirect you to Sign Up page.
- In signup screen signup using your email-id and appropiate password and press 'Sign Up' button.
- After logging in you will be directed to main screen where all the quiz according to the date of upload are displayed.
- You can start a particular quiz by clicking on it.
- You can also use the blue date picker button at the right hand corner of screen to choose a quiz of particular date.
- You can logout of the app by going in the profile section using drawer and then pressing the 'Log Out' button.