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Future Actions Syntax

William Lubelski edited this page Mar 3, 2015 · 4 revisions

Problem Statement

Packaging action data onto an object provides 'named arugments' but leads to a bunch of boilerplate whenever you want to process an action as you peel the arguments back off.

Actions that do not pass data (somewhat an anti pattern, but not unreasonable) are ridiculous as they have no payload.

Trying to use the packager function as syntactic validation is cumbersome and unpredictable.

Proposal #1 (Will)

  • Action args are simply positional arguments passed straight from the action caller to the action callbacks.

  • createAction (or equivalent) declarations are only required if multiple stores listen to the same action.

  • createAction's function is simply a validation function on the syntactic correctness of the passed arguments. It is therefore basically argTypes to React's propTypes. 'foos', 
  stores: ['bars']
    'foo.create': (fooData) -> 
      @update(, fooData)
    'bar.setId': (barId) -> 
      @update(fooId: 'bars', 
    'bar.setId': (barId) -> @update(barId: barId)

app.create.action 'bar.setId', (barId) -> 

given these stores and actions: 12, baz: 42) # fires action null) # still fires action # fires action # doesn't fire action, logs an error

Other Ideas

  • importing namespaces onto views would be nice. Not sure what to do about collisions.
app.create.view 'list', 
  stores: ['bar']
  actions: ['bar']
  render: ->
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