This is a fork of, the goal is put bot logic into one standalone module so add-in framework or other project can use it.
import { extendApp } from 'ringcentral-chatbot-core'
import express from 'express'
function eventHandler ({
type, // could be 'BotRemoved', 'Message4Bot', 'Message4Others', 'BotGroupLeft', 'BotJoinGroup', 'Maintain', 'SetupDatabase'
bot, // the bot instance, check src/models/Bot.ts for instance methods
text, // the text message user posted in chatgroup
group, // the group object, can get chat group id from
userId, // message creator's id
isPrivateChat, // if it is a private chat
message, // message object, check ringcentral api document for detail
commandLineOptions, // only if set commandLineConfigs in botConfig, would get parse result from text, check doc/ for detail
}) {
// bot.sendMessage(groupId, body)
if (type === 'BotJoinGroup') {
await bot.sendAdaptiveCard(, {
$schema: '',
type: 'AdaptiveCard',
version: '1.3',
body: [
type: 'TextBlock',
text: 'hello!',
size: 'large'
type: 'TextBlock',
text: 'I am a chat bot',
weight: 'bolder'
// or send text message
// await bot.sendMessage(, {
// text: 'welcome'
// })
} else if (type === 'Message4Bot') {
await bot.sendAdaptiveCard(, {
$schema: '',
type: 'AdaptiveCard',
version: '1.3',
body: [
type: 'TextBlock',
text: 'hello!',
size: 'large'
type: 'TextBlock',
text: 'You posted: ' + text,
weight: 'bolder'
// or send text message
// await bot.sendMessage(, {
// text: 'hi'
// })
const botConfig = {
adminRoute: '/admin', // optional
botRoute: '/bot', // optional
models: { // optional
Bot: 'your bot data model defination' // check src/models/Bot.ts as a example, optional
commandLineConfigs: [ // optional
command: 'add'
options: [
['-f, --float <number>', 'float argument'],
['-i, --integer <number>', 'integer argument'],
['-v, --verbose', 'verbosity that can be increased']
// if set commandLineConfigs in botConfig, would get parsed commandLineOptions object from text, check doc/ for detail(use commander module)
let app = express()
const skills = []
app = extendApp(app, skills, eventHandler, botConfig)
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('server running')
: bot oauth url/{botConfig.botRoute}/webhook
: bot webhook url
: Init data base/{botConfig.botRoute}/update-token
: fix token for single bot/{botConfig.botRoute}/maintain
: remove dead bots from database, ensure live bots have WebHooks(fix broken subscribe), destroy very old cache data/{botConfig.botRoute}/dump-database
: provide administrator with database data for troubleshooting/{botConfig.botRoute}/list-subscriptions
: provide administrator with subscriptions data for troubleshooting
Check src/models/Bot.ts for details.
// default is true, can be set to false
// default is false, can be set to true
// default is false, can be set to true
process.env.USE_HEROKU_POSTGRES = false
// set db url
// when set to 'dynamo', process.env.RINGCENTRAL_CHATBOT_DATABASE_CONNECTION_URI will be ignored
process.env.DIALECT = 'dynamo'