Symfony/vuex web based demo to explore/view chess games from the database.
Entire front-end is made using Vue.js/Vuex using SPA architecture. Symfony framework acts as a backend API and is used to communicate with the database.
Project is created with:
- Symfony 5.2
- Vue/Vuex
- vuex-pagination -
- Chess.js
- Chess.php -
- Chessboard.js
- Risendy PGN parser -
- MySQL database
- importing pgn games into DB from pgn file using symfony command
- displaying paginated games from the db
- going through the games with next/prev buttons
- displaying most popular moves in the current position
- playing the position from the start (useful for opening preparation)
- playing moves from the most popular moves in the position (useful for opening preparation)
- basic filters (white/black player, game result)
- favourite games
- game sorting
- games searching
- position searching
- stockfish.js integration to analyse games
install composer dependencies
composer install
install frontend dependencies
yarn install
compile assets
yarn encore dev
run migrations
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
import games from pgn file using symfony command. The file should exists in the public directory. The command takes one input argument which is a name of the file eg. (games.pgn) For bigger files it may take a while (importing about 3 games per second)
php bin/console app:import-games --env=prod --no-debug {filename}
if you want to use provided file with around 13k games use:
php bin/console app:import-games --env=prod --no-debug KingBase_part_1.pgn