This application is a combination of frontend and backend applicaton demo. User Interface is created using Angular while backend is created using Spring Boot. The app uses REST API
to add and get all the data form the server, to store the data the Spring Boot uses h2 database api
. The data stored is temprory and when application is closed the data is erased from the storge.
- GetAll - This method executes when the homepage is open it automatically fetch the data from the
h2 db
usingrest api
and display the data. - AddItem - This method executes when used add an item using the form. It adds the data in
h2 database
usinghttp post request
and display success message if the data is saved. - SortItem - This method executes when user click on the categeory icon which is on the top-right of each item. Item gets sorted according to the category and if clicked again the item is back to original form.
- Angular CLI version 14.2.7.
- FontAwosme version 6.2.0
- Angular Material version 14.2.7
- Product UI
- Spring Boot version 2.7.5
- H2 Database version 2.1.214
- Boot Server
- Postman version 9.18.3
To run angular application move your working directory to /product
directory. and use the command.
- Angular -
ng serve
To run the Spring boot REST API server move your working directory to /server
use the below command. Make sure you have installed Apache Maven before you run the below command.
- Server -