Python script that automatically thanks all users and like their birthday wishes on your timeline
Rishi Dua
Configure parameters and run the script:
- bday: your birthday as in the following datetime(year, month, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, microsecond[, tzinfo]]]]])
- access_token: Generate one at
- like: set true to like posts on your wall
- comment: set true to comment thank you
- message_set: the list of messages from which you want a random message to be selected
- use_filter: if false, replies to every message. Make it false if you are sure every wish posted on your wall is a birthday message
- bdaywords: keywords to respond to. Comment only on posts containing at least one of these words
- proxy settings: proxy settings if you are behind a proxy server
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If you are having issues, contact me directly.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENCE.txt for details
I wrote this code for fun on my 22nd Birthday (25 August 2014). It was one of the best birthdays thanks to friends and every birthday wish means a lot. My blog has a post about it.
Idea inspired from a post on quora: The code in that post uses FQL which is deprecated after v2.1. This implementation uses Facebook Graph API.