Automated resource creation in AWS Public Cloud using Jenkins to execute terraform code.
- Create the key pair
- Create security group which allow the port 80
- Launch EC2 instance
- In this Ec2 instance use the key and security group which we have created in step 1.
- Launch one Volume (EBS) and mount that volume into /var/www/html
- Developer have uploded the code into github repo also the repo has some images.
- Copy the github repo code into /var/www/html
- Create S3 bucket, and copy/deploy the images from github repo into the s3 bucket and change the permission to public readable.
- Create a Cloudfront using s3 bucket(which contains images) and use the Cloudfront URL to update in code in /var/www/html
The website code that is used in this repository for deployment on EC2 web server Github URL
- awscli
- terraform
- git
- Login using root account into AWS Console
- Go to IAM Service
- Click on User
- Add User
- Enable Access type
Programmatic Access
- Attach Policies to the account
For now, you can click on
Attach existing policies directly
and attachAdministrator Access
- Copy Access and Secret Key Credentials
The best and secure way to configure AWS Secret and Access Key is by using aws cli on the controller node
aws configure --profile <profile_name>
Initalising Terraform in workspace Directory
terraform init
Currently Resource Type aws_key_pair
supports importing an existing key pair but not creating a new key pair. So we will be creating a key pair in local system
We will be storing Keys in /opt/keys directory in Jenkins Host system
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C -f /opt/keys/ec2 -N ""
SSH-Keygen Options
-t => Encryption Algorithm
-f Output Key File
-C Comment
-N New Passphrase
Terraform Validate to check for any syntax errors in Terraform Configuration file
terraform validate
We will be storing the static variables in terraform.tfvars
file i.e region_name and iam_profile
Terraform loads variables in the following order, with later sources taking precedence over earlier ones:
- Environment variables
- The terraform.tfvars file, if present.
- The terraform.tfvars.json file, if present.
- Any *.auto.tfvars or *.auto.tfvars.json files, processed in lexical order of their filenames.
- Any -var and -var-file options on the command line, in the order they are provided. (This includes variables set by a Terraform Cloud workspace.)
HCL Code to create Instance Key-Pair
#Creating AWS Key Pair for EC2 Instance Login
resource "aws_key_pair" "instance_key_pair"{
key_name = "automation-key"
public_key = file("/opt/keys/")
We will be allowing HTTP protocol and SSH access to our EC2 instance from worldwide.
resource "aws_security_group" "instance_sg" {
name = "web_server_ports"
description = "Apache Web Server Access Ports"
ingress {
description = "HTTP Server Access from worldwide"
from_port = 80
to_port = 80
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]
ingress {
description = "SSH Access from worldwide"
from_port = 22
to_port = 22
protocol = "tcp"
#cidr_blocks = [""]
#cidr_blocks = [ file("/opt/ip.txt")]
cidr_blocks = [ var.automation_public_ip ]
egress {
from_port = 0
to_port = 0
protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [""]
tags = {
Name = "application_security_group"
We are going to launch the EC2 instance with the Key and security group generated above. For now, we will be using the Amazon Linux AMI i.e ami-005956c5f0f757d37
#Creating EC2 instance
resource "aws_instance" "web_server" {
ami = "ami-005956c5f0f757d37"
instance_type = var.instance_type
security_groups = []
key_name = aws_key_pair.instance_key_pair.key_name
Fig 10.: Launching EC2 instance
We will be creating EBS volume for data persistency i.e for permanent storage of our website code. The EBS volume should be launched in the same availability zone as the EC2 instance, otherwise the volume will not be attachable normally.
resource "aws_ebs_volume" "web_server_volume" {
availability_zone = aws_instance.web_server.availability_zone
size = 1
tags = {
Name = "Web-Server"
availability_zone => Availability Zone for the EBS Volume creation
size => It defines the Volume Hard disk size requested
Attaching EBS Volume to the launched EC2 instance
resource "aws_volume_attachment" "ec2_volume_attach" {
device_name = "/dev/sdf"
volume_id =
instance_id =
force_detach = true
device_name => The device name to expose to the instance
volume_id => The Id of the EBS Volume Created
instance_id => Instance id of already launched instance
force_detach => This Option helps during teraing down of infrastructure, if the EBS volume is busy
We will be using automation of configuration changes i.e installation of packages, clone of code from github, format the EBS volume and mount it to /var/www/html. The automation script is uploaded in the repository with name "configuration.yml".
The local-exec
provisioner is used to invoke the ansible-playbook i.e ansible should be installed on the controller node. The provisioner should always be inside a resource block. So, if no resource is to be launched, then resource type null_resource
comes to our rescue.
resource "null_resource" "invoke_playbook"{
provisioner local-exec {
command = "ansible-playbook -u ${var.connection_user} -i ${aws_instance.web_server.public_ip},\
--private-key /opt/keys/ec2 configuration.yml --ssh-extra-args=\"-o stricthostkeychecking=no\""
For code modularity, and clarification all the values are stored in
file and the values can be passed using
file which the terraform loads and reads the values defined for the variables.
command => to run or execute any command on the controller node,
on condition that the command binary is installed or configured in the node controller system
--ssh-extra-args="-o stricthostkeychecking=no"
, parameter is configured to disable HostKeyChecking during Automation.
The remote-exec
provisioner is used to install python package required for automatio suing ansible. The null_resource of remote-exec is always executed first before any resource, i.e it takes precedence over other resource type. So, we need to tell or define the resource type on which the remote-exec provisioner depends, for example; in our scenario it depends on EBS volume attachment since we are executing local-exec and remote-exec in one resource block.
The remote-exec provisioner requires connection object to connect to the remote system launched.
resource "null_resource" "invoke_playbook"{
depends_on = [
type = var.connection_type
host = aws_instance.web_server.public_ip
user = var.connection_user
private_key = file("/opt/keys/ec2")
provisioner remote-exec {
inline =[
"sudo yum install python36 -y"
type => Connection type i.e ssh (for Linux Operating System) or winRM (for Windows Operating System)
host => Public IP or domain name of the remote system
user => Username for the login
private_key => For authentication of the user.
We can also use password in case, we have configured password based authentication rather than Key Based authentication for User login
Fig 12.: Installation of Python Packages
In remote-exec
provisioners, we can use any one of following attributes:
It helps in providing commands in combination of multiple lines
Path of local script, that is to be copied to remote system and then executed.
List of scripts that will be copied to remote system and then executed on remote.
Fig 13.: Configuration and Installation of Web Server Packages
Create S3 bucket to serve images from S3 rather than from EC2 instance. The resource type aws_s3_bucket
is used to create the S3 bucket.
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "s3_image_store" {
bucket = var.s3_image_bucket_name
acl = var.bucket_acl
tags = {
Name = "WebPage Image Source"
region = var.region_name
force_destroy = var.force_destroy_bucket
bucket => The Bucket name
acl => The ACL for the objects stored in the bucket,
region => The region in which the S3 bucket will be created
force_destroy => This boolean parameter, deletes all the objects in the bucket during tearing down
of infrastructure. Do not use this parameter in PRODUCTION environment
The Images stored in the wbsite code repository, is uploaded in S3 for serving the images from Cloudfront. Content Delivery Network helps in lowering the latency of accessing of objects i.e image access time will be reduced, if accessed from another region.
For uploading the images, we will be cloning the repository in current workspace using local-exec
provisioner and then will be uploading only the images to the S3 bucket OR we can configure Jenkins Job to clone the repository for us.
resource "null_resource" "download_website_code"{
depends_on = [
provisioner local-exec {
command =
"rm -rf /opt/code/*"
"git clone /opt/code/"
Uploading all the images to S3 Bucket
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "website_image_files" {
depends_on = [
for_each = fileset("/opt/code/images/", "**/*.*")
bucket = aws_s3_bucket.s3_image_store.bucket
key = replace(each.value, "/opt/code/images/", "")
source = "/opt/code/images/${each.value}"
acl = "public-read"
etag = filemd5("/opt/code/images/${each.value}")
for_each => to get list of all the images
bucket => Name of the bucket to upload the images
key => The file name on S3 after uploading the image
source => The source of the images
acl => The Access Control on the images
etag => To keep in track the and alwways upload data as soon as it changes
Fig 14.: Upload Images (Terraform Plan)
Fig 15.: Upload Images (Terraform Apply)
Content Delivery Network as Service is provided using CloudFront in AWS Public Cloud. The cloudfront distribution is created to serve the images stored in S3 bucket with the lower latency across the globe.
First we will be creating Origin Access Identity, which will be helpfulin hiding S3 endpoint publicly to the world.
resource "aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity" "s3_objects" {
comment = "S3-Images-Source"
Create Cloudfront Distribution
The Web Cloudfront Distribution is created to serve objects over http or https protocol.
resource "aws_cloudfront_distribution" "image_distribution" {
depends_on = [
origin {
domain_name = aws_s3_bucket.s3_image_store.bucket_regional_domain_name
origin_id = var.s3_origin_id
s3_origin_config {
origin_access_identity = aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity.s3_objects.cloudfront_access_identity_path
enabled = var.enabled
is_ipv6_enabled = var.ipv6_enabled
default_cache_behavior {
allowed_methods = var.cache_allowed_methods
cached_methods = var.cached_methods
target_origin_id = var.s3_origin_id
forwarded_values {
query_string = false
cookies {
forward = "none"
viewer_protocol_policy = var.viewer_protocol_policy
min_ttl = var.min_ttl
default_ttl = var.default_ttl
max_ttl = var.max_ttl
compress = var.compression_objects_enable
wait_for_deployment = var.wait_for_deployment
price_class = var.price_class
restrictions {
geo_restriction {
restriction_type = var.geo_restriction_type
locations = var.geo_restriction_locations
tags = {
Environment = "test-Environment"
viewer_certificate {
cloudfront_default_certificate = true
origin => Configuration for the origin. It can be S3, ELB, EC2 instance etc.
domain_name => domain name over which the origin can accessed
geo_restriction => The website or the content delivered using CDN can be blocked or
whitelisted in certain countries.
price_class => Determines the deployment of code in edge_locations
viewer_certificate => SSL Certificate for the viewer access.
wait_for_deployment => Boolean Parameter to wait until the Distribution status is deployed
We have used Cloudfront's, but custom aliases and SSL certificates can also be used
We will be using remote-exec provisioner to replace the src with CDN domain name. The resource will be dependent on CDN and invoke playbook resource
resource "null_resource" "configure_image_url" {
depends_on = [
aws_cloudfront_distribution.image_distribution, null_resource.invoke_playbook
type = var.connection_type
host = aws_instance.web_server.public_ip
user = var.connection_user
private_key = file("/opt/keys/ec2")
provisioner remote-exec {
inline =[
"grep -rli 'images' * | xargs -i sed -i \
's+images+https://${aws_cloudfront_distribution.image_distribution.domain_name}+g' "
You should have configured IAM profile in the controller node by following instructions.
- Clone this repository
- Change the working directory to
- Run
terraform init
- Then,
terraform plan
, to see the list of resources that will be created - Then,
terraform apply -auto-approve
When you are done playing
terraform destroy -auto-approve
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
region_name | Default Region Name for Infrastructure and S3 Bucket | string | `` | yes |
user_profile | IAM Credentials of AWS Account with required priviledges | string | `` | yes |
instance_ami_id | AMI Id for launching EC2 Instances | string | `` | yes |
instance_type | EC2 Instance Type | string | `` | yes |
automation_public_ip | Controller Node Public IP to allow ssh connection on EC2 instance | string | |
no |
connection_user | Username for SSH connection to EC2 instance | string | ec2-user |
yes |
connection_type | Type of connection for remote-exec provisioner like (ssh,winrm) | string | ssh |
no |
s3_image_bucket_name | S3 bucket name | string | `` | yes |
force_destroy_bucket | Delete all objects from the bucket so that the bucket can be destroyed without error (e.g. true or false ) |
bool | true |
no |
s3_origin_id | S3 Origin Name for Cloudfront Distribution | string | `` | yes |
bucket_acl | ACL Permissions for S3 bucket | string | private |
no |
cache_allowed_methods | List of allowed methods (e.g. GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD) for AWS CloudFront | list(string) | <list> |
no |
cached_methods | List of cached methods (e.g. GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD) | list(string) | <list> |
no |
compression_objects_enable | Parameter for compression of content served using Cloudfront Distribution for web requests | bool | true |
no |
default_ttl | Default amount of time (in seconds) that an object is in a CloudFront cache | number | 60 |
no |
max_ttl | Maximum amount of time (in seconds) that an object is in a CloudFront cache | number | 31536000 |
no |
min_ttl | Minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches | number | 0 |
no |
enabled | Select Enabled if you want CloudFront to begin processing requests as soon as the distribution is created, or select Disabled if you do not want CloudFront to begin processing requests after the distribution is created. | bool | true |
no |
ipv6_enabled | Set to true to ipv6 | bool | true |
no |
geo_restriction_locations | List of country codes for which CloudFront either to distribute content (whitelist) or not distribute your content (blacklist) | list(string) | <list> |
no |
geo_restriction_type | Method that use to restrict distribution of your content by country: none , whitelist , or blacklist |
string | none |
no |
price_class | Price class for this distribution: PriceClass_All , PriceClass_200 , PriceClass_100 |
string | PriceClass_ALL |
no |
viewer_protocol_policy | allow-all, redirect-to-https | string | redirect-to-https |
no |
wait_for_deployment | When set to 'true' the resource will wait for the distribution status to change from InProgress to Deployed | bool | true |
no |
Name | Description |
instance_key | Key Pair Name used during launching EC2 instance |
security_group_name | Name of Security Group Attached with EC2 instance |
ec2_instance_public_ip | Public IP of EC2 instance |
ebs_volume | ID of EBS Volume |
s3_bucket | Name of S3 bucket |
s3_bucket_domain_name | Domain of S3 bucket |
cf_id | ID of AWS CloudFront distribution |
cf_status | Current status of the distribution |
cf_domain_name | Domain name corresponding to the distribution |
Now, if you want to get yourself relieved from all the manual terraform commands. Let's integrate Terraform with Jenkins.
- Create a Job to copy images from the code repository
- Create a Job for AWS Infrastructure Automation
- Create new Freestyle Job with name code_deployment
- Configure Project URL
Fig 17.: Project URL Configuration
- Configure Git SCM
Fig 18.: GitHub Repository Configuration
Configure Build Triggers
Currently we don't have public connectivity from Github to local Jenkins Server. So, we will be using Poll SCM as trigger.
Fig 19.: Build Trigger Configuration
Build Step
Click on
Execute Shell
from theAdd Build Step
dropdown. The Bash script is present in the repository at location jenkins_script/
Fig 20.: Build Step Configuration
- Save and Apply
Same as in
Configure Project URL
- Git Configuration
Fig 22.: Source Code Management
Build Trigger
The job will be triggered only on successful/stable execution of
Fig 23.: Build Trigger Configuration
Build Step
In Build Step we will be copying our automation code in
directory. The directory will help us in maintaining the terraform state. We can also upload the terraform state to S3 and utilise whenver a build is triggered. The bash script is present in repository at location jenkins_script/
- Save and Apply
The backup of EBS Volume is taken with purpose to preserve data in case of instance crash, or hacked. The EBS Volume is very helpful is retaining the data stored. We are charged only for the amount of the data stored in EBS Volume in case of EBS Snapshot.
HCL Code for creation of EBS Backup
resource "aws_ebs_snapshot" "volume_backup" {
depends_on = [
volume_id = "${}"
tags = {
Name = "Web Server Volume Backup"
Source: LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd. Jaipur
Under the Guidance of : Vimal Daga