This is a api based , simple backend project , based on blog posting. It works on single URL and all the various components are loaded into it asynchronously.
- Using shell, login in as root user
$ mysql -u root -p
- Create a database
$ create database socialmediadb;
- Create a user and assign a password
$ create user socialuser identified by 'socialpass';
- Grant privileges on new user
$ grant all privileges on socialmediadb.* to socialuser;
- Flush privileges for changes to take effect
$ flush privileges;
This project by default uses SQLite Database on development server, which does needs to be set up. It works on directly.
- Open the editor terminal
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Project Structure
│ server.js
│ comments.js
│ posts.js
│ users.js
│ models.js
│ socialmediadb.db
│ │ index.html
│ │
│ ├───app
│ │ all-articles.js
│ │ comment.js
│ │ common.css
│ │ common.js
│ │ login.js
│ │ my-post.js
│ │ navbar.js
│ │ profle.js
│ │ signup.js
│ │ write-post.js
│ │
│ ├───components
│ │ all-articles.html
│ │ comments.html
│ │ footer.html
│ │ login.html
│ │ my-post.html
│ │ navbar.html
│ │ profile.html
│ │ signup.html
│ │ write-post.html
│ │
│ ├───css
│ ├───fonts
│ └───js
│ jquery-3.5.1.js
│ comment.js
│ index.js
GET : /api/users/{userId or username} - Finds the user with given username or id , passed in the params of the request.
POST : /api/users/ - Creates a new user with name,username,email and password , passed in the body of the request.
GET : /api/posts/ - Returns all the posts that have been already created.
POST : /api/posts/ - Creates a new post with following fields in the body(title,body,userId)
GET : /api/posts/comments/ - shows comments with either a userId or postId passed in the query of the request . If want to get all comments by a particular user pass the userId with postId as null. If want to get all comments under a post pass the userId as null and postId with a value. {userId: _ , postId: _ }
POST : /api/posts/comments/ - post a comment under a particular post with a given user . The body of the post , userId and postId are to be passed in the body of the req
POST : /api/posts/delete/ - deletes a post with a postId passed in query of request
GET : /api/posts/post/ - sends a post with a postId passed in query of request
POST : /api/posts/post/ - updates a post with a postid , title and body passed in body of request