- Lets you add➕ and delete❌ various items in your categorised lists
- Delete the whole list in one go, when all the items are completed.
- Strikes items out or change order of your list items , everything will be preserved
Strike out by simply touching and Change order by clicking and draging. In touchscreen , use up & down arrows for changing order.
Note : All your todos are encrypted before storing to database and are decrypted only when you view them on website using your credentials.
This project uses MongoDB as database storage. Local authentication facility is developed using Passport.js and any password is hashed before storing to database using bcrypt . Users can also sign in using Google account , which is also set up using Passport.js
Few enviroment variables which needs to set up before development or deploying to production.
NODE_ENV= development
MONGO_USERNAME = *your_username*
MONGO_PASSWORD = *your_password*
SESSION_SECRET = *"your_session_secret"*
SALT_ROUNDS = *salt_rounds_for_bcrypt*
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = *your_google_client_id*
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET = *your_googleclient_secret*
CRYPTOJS_SECRET = *"your_cryptojs_secret_here"*