Infra New job-runner
crate responsible for managing the OCI bundle runtime & log shipping on the machine
Infra Jobs now log an explicit rate message when logs are rate limited & truncated
Infra infra-artifacts
Terraform plan & S3 bucket used for automating building & uploading internal binaries, etc.
Infra Aiven Redis provider
Bolt bolt secret set <path> <value>
Bolt bolt.confirm_commands
to namespace to confirm before running commands on a namespace
load test
load test
Matchmaker Allow excluding matchmaker.regions
in order to enable all regions
Matchmaker Lowered internal overhead of log shipping for lobbies
Matchmaker Game mode names are now more lenient to include capital letters & underscores
error after 50s (see docs/infrastructure/
for context)
API Move generated client APIs to sdks/
Lower long poll timeout from 60s -> 40s
Bolt Moved additional project roots to Bolt.toml
types Support multiple project roots for reusing Protobuf types
Infra Switch from AWS ELB to NLB to work around surge queue length limitation
Infra Loki resources are now configurable
pools Allow infinite Redis reconnection attempts
pools Set Redis client names
pools Ping Redis every 15 seconds
pools Enable test_before_acquire
on SQLx
pools Decrease SQLx idle_timeout
to 3 minutes
pools Set ClickHouse idle_timeout
to 15 seconds
api-helper Box path futures for faster compile times
Upgrade async-nats
now handles SIGTERM
and exits immediately, allows for less resource consumption while testing lobbies
mm Dynamically sleep based on lobby's create_ts
for Treafik config to update
Infra Update Traefik tunnel client & server to v3.0.0-beta5
Infra Update Traefik load balancer to v2.10.7
Infra runc rootfs is now a writable file system
Matchmaker Logs not shipping if lobby exits immediately
Matchmaker Returning lnd-atl
instead of dev-lcl
as the mocked mocked region ID in the region list
API 520 error when long polling
api-cloud Returning wrong domain for domains.cdn
Infra Fix Prometheus storage retention conversion between mebibytes and megabytes
Infra Fix typo in Game Guard Traefik config not exposing API endpoint
Infra Kill signal for servers was SIGINT
instead of SIGTERM
Infra NATS cluster not getting enabled
Infra Redis Kubernetes error when using non-Kubernetes provider
api-helper Remove excess logging
not getting purged on create & delete
Bolt Error when applying Terraform when a plan is no longer required
api-helper Instrument path futures
Infra CNI ports not being removed from the nat
iptable, therefore occasionally causing failed connections
Infra Disable nativeLB
for Traefik tunnel
Infra Update default Nomad storage to 64Gi
Infra Tunnel now exposes each Nomad server individually so the Nomad client can handle failover natively instead of relying on Traefik
Infra Traefik tunnel not respecting configured replicas
Bolt ClickHouse password generation now includes required special characters
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