Check out Look Mum No Computer's YouTube video featuring this project here!
- Recording on four different channels
- 3 synth channels, 1 drum channel
- Five octaves supported (0-5V output with 1V/oct) on synth channels
- 8 drums supported on drum channel, multiple drums played simultaneously
- Switching between channels while recording
- Switching between recording and playback
- Clearing of channel while recording
- Erasing of previously played note with
- Live preview of notes as they are recorded
- Playback of recorded sequence
- Clearing of entered channel data
- Changing tempo of playback
- Direct Control of channel instruments
- Manual entry of channel data
- Menu keys are on bottom row of keyboard
- Synth Recording
- Select channels with number keys
- Piano keys starting on A, ending on ', with sharps and flats on W-P
- Recording control on bottom row
- Z to stop
- M to change to playback
- N to change recording channel
- C to clear the current channel that is being recorded
- Drum Recording
- Drums recorded with number keys 1-8
- Multiple drums can be played in the same beat
- Recording control on bottom row, same as synth recording
- Manual entry follows the same keys as recording
- Direct playback follows the same keys, but the only control key is stop
- ROM Loaded at 0xE800
- SBug loaded at 0xF800
- Scratch RAM at 0x4000-0x4050
- Audio DAC at 0xE020-0xE023
- Drum channel at 0xE024 (one bit per drums)
- DAC gate at 0xE028 (one bit per channel, supports both synth and drum gates)
- MC6850 Serial Card