This is a chatbot presented during my talk in Google I/O Extended Manila 2024.
Java in AI: Implementation of Google Vertex AI using Spring AI and Hilla
- User send credentials via Google Cloud Shell
- Google Cloud Shell respond back if the authentication is successful
- User send a message
- Chatbot verifies if it can connect to user's Google Cloud project
- Return the verification result
- Call the Chat endpoint
- Call the Chat API of Google Cloud via HTTP
- Google Cloud Java Chat API uses Gemini Model
- Gemini Model responds back based on the user message
- Google Cloud Java SDK return the model response via HTTP
- Spring AI return the model response with modification (if any, based on business logic)
- The Chatbot shows the message
- Install Google Cloud CLI to authenticate locally: Google Cloud CLI Authentication
- Replace Google Project ID in application.yml
- Run gradlew bootRun