Professional visitors will be linked to
Personal visitors will be linked to
There is a link to the professional side from the personal side
There is no way to enter the personal side from the professional side without changing the URL
Either side can view the projects
Personal users will have "?smrfhaoc" suffixed to the URL
Professional users will have "?szosxzfarvay" suffixed to the URL
This is a cipher with a keyword that helps me separate my visitors
1. bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload --trace --port 4001
2. jekyll serve --livereload --incremental --port 4001
- || Runs and contains Notion API Tokens
- clairvoyance.js || tells the website where "home" is depending on whether the user is personal or professional
- || exports notion page
- || generates file tree of the website, cleans it, and saves it to base directory
- || randomizes the order of cat pics
- || randomizes all file names, then renames them to BASE1, BASE2, BASE3, etc. (run with no args)
- || generates yml file with links to images of a gallery (set modes variable before running) (acts on thumbnails for art, images for cat)
- || processes yaml and wiki data
- || Wiki .txt -> .json -> .yaml
- || get all page IDs from notion project and export as markdown, placing in proper website folder
- || Notion API Test
- thumbify.bat || Turn images into thumbnails with watermark using Imagemagick
- TODO: Lowercase
- run /scripts/
- provide title for gallery (one word)
- add image to folder
- continue with script
this is an ordered list
this: is a code block in yml
Optionally, if you'd like to preview your site on your computer, add the following to your site's
:```ruby gem "this is a code block in ruby" ```
Note: this is in italics in markdown
If you'd like to change the theme's HTML layout:
- Wow a link showed up redirect to here.
- Would you like a new line?
(How are them apples) - I cant do inline code
Or can I?