This program imports fills for a given Sierrachart trade account into Tradervue.
It connects to the DTC server on your local instance of Sierrachart and request fills for a given trade account for the given number of days back. Once received, it converts them to Tradervue executions and imports them into Tradervue using the Tradervue REST API.
Your local instance of Sierrachart must be running and have the DTC server enabled with the following options:
Global Settings -> Sierrachart Server Settings
- Enable DTC Protocol Server: Yes
- Use Delayed Sends: No
- Listen Port: 11099
- Require Authentication: No
- Require TLS: No
- Encoding: JSON
Furthermore, you need to know the Sierrachart trade account name. This can be a simulated or real account.
You must have a Tradervue account and know your username and password.
Required flags:
-tv_username <TV Username>
-tv_password <TV Password>
-sc_account <SC Trade Account or sim name>
-sc_days <Number of days back to request fills for>
Optional flags:
-tv_tags <comma seperated list of tags to use for TV import>
-tv_account_tag <Tradervue account tag>
Sierrachart2Tradervue.exe -tv_username exampleuser -tv_password examplepassword -sc_account Sim1 -sc_days 3
Sierrachart2Tradervue.exe -tv_username exampleuser -tv_password examplepassword -sc_account Sim1 -sc_days 3 -tv_tags tag1,tag2,tag3 -tv_account_tag SC-Sim1
2023/09/10 11:51:14 Requesting 3 day(s) of historical fills for trade account `Rene` from SierraChart
2023/09/10 11:51:14 Received 9 fills from Sierrachart
2023/09/10 11:51:14 Importing into 9 executions into Tradervue...
2023/09/10 11:51:15 Success! Tradervue import request was not queued. Check your Tradervue account now.
2023/09/10 11:51:15