EZCrop: Energy-Zoned Channels for Robust Output Pruning (Link)
Our key insight is that the energy distribution of feature maps generated by a fixed filter can reflect the filter's importance. The Supplementary Materials can be downloaded here.
- We analytically bridge the rank-based channel importance metric in the spatial domain to an energy perspective in the frequency domain, and for the first time explain the intereting constant-rank phenomenon in a channel matrix.
- We propose a computationally efficient FFT-based metric for channel importance, which reduces the computational complexity from O(n^3) to O(n^2 logn).
- The proposed EZCrop algorithm for channel pruning is simple, intuitive and robust. It outperforms other state-of-the-art pruning schemes and consistently delivers good performance, which is not a result of normal variations as confirmed through extensive experiments.
If you use EZCrop in your research, please kindly cite this work by
title={EZCrop: Energy-Zoned Channels for Robust Output Pruning},
author={Lin, Rui and Ran, Jie and Wang, Dongpeng and Chiu, King Hung and Wong, Ngai},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.03679},
To use EZCrop, the users are expected to generate the ratios first, then do the pruning and retrain the pruned model based on the evaluation results.
python ratio_generation.py \
--ratio_path ratio_conv/ \
--EZCrop 1 \
--alpha [A number between 0 and 1] \
--conv_fm 1 \
--data_dir [Your path to the dataset] \
--dataset cifar10 \
--arch [Choose the model architecture] \
--pretrain_dir [Your path to Pretrained model] \
--limit 5 \
--batch_size 128 \
--gpu 0,1
python evaluate_cifar.py \
--data_dir [Your path to the dataset] \
--arch [Choose the model architecture] \
--job_dir [Your path to save trained models] \
--pretrain_dir [Your path to Pretrained model] \
--ratio_conv_prefix [Ratio conv file folder] \
--compress_rate [Compress rate of each conv] \
--gpu 0,1 \
python evaluate.py \
--data_dir [Your path to the dataset] \
--arch [Choose the model architecture] \
--job_dir [Your path to save trained models] \
--pretrain_dir [Your path to Pretrained model] \
--ratio_conv_prefix [Ratio conv file folder] \
--compress_rate [Compress rate of each conv] \
--gpu 0,1 \
def torch_fftshift(real, imag):
- real: a matrix of size [h, w], which is the real number part of the feature map slice in frequency domain.
- imag: a matrix of size [h, w], which is the imaginary number part of the feature map slice in frequency domain.
- real: a matrix of size [h, w], which is the real number part of the feature map slice in frequency domain
after shift operation.
- imag: a matrix of size [h, w], which is the imaginary number part of the feature map slice in frequency domain
after shift operation.
for dim in range(0, len(real.size())):
real = torch.roll(real, dims=dim, shifts=real.size(dim)//2)
imag = torch.roll(imag, dims=dim, shifts=imag.size(dim)//2)
return real, imag
def StepDecision(h, w, alpha):
- h: a scalar, which is the height of the given feature map slice.
- w: a scalar, which is the width of the given feature map slice.
- alpha: a scalar between 0 and 1, which determines the size of selcted area.
- step: a scalar, which decides the selected area of the given feature map in frequency domain.
if h % 2 == 0 and w % 2 == 0:
xc = h / 2
yc = w / 2
xc = (h - 1) / 2
yc = (w - 1) / 2
max_h = h - (xc + 1)
max_w = w - (yc + 1)
if xc - 1 == 0 or yc - 1 == 0:
step = 0
step = min(int(math.ceil(max_h * alpha)),int(math.ceil(max_w * alpha)))
return step
def EnergyRatio(fm_slice, alpha=1/4):
- fm_slice: a matrix of size [h, w], which is a slice of a given feature map in spatial domain.
- ratio: a scalar, which is the ratio of the energy of the unselected area of the feature map
and the total energy of the feature map (both in frequency domain).
FFT_fm_slice = torch.rfft(fm_slice, signal_ndim=2, onesided=False)
shift_real, shift_imag = torch_fftshift(FFT_fm_slice[:,:,0], FFT_fm_slice[:,:,1])
FFTshift_fm_slice = (shift_real**2 + shift_imag**2)**(1/2)
FFTshift_fm_slice = torch.log(FFTshift_fm_slice+1)
h, w = FFTshift_fm_slice.shape
step = StepDecision(h, w, alpha)
if h % 2 == 0 and w % 2 == 0:
xc = h / 2
yc = w / 2
xc = (h - 1) / 2
yc = (w - 1) / 2
E = sum(sum(FFTshift_fm_slice))
select_FFTshift_fm_slice = FFTshift_fm_slice[int(xc-step):int(xc+step+1), int(yc-step):int(yc+step+1)]
select_E = sum(sum(select_FFTshift_fm_slice))
ratio = 1 - select_E / E
if ratio != ratio:
ratio = torch.zeros(1)
return ratio
Dataset | Model | HRank | EZCrop (↓) |
CIFAR-10 | VGGNet | 1505.54s | 356.94s (76.29%) |
CIFAR-10 | ResNet-56 | 1247.51s | 381.97s (69.38%) |
CIFAR-10 | DenseNet-40 | 473.17s | 171.50s (63.76%) |
ImageNet | ResNet-50 | 7.96h | 3.45h (56.60%) |
Params (↓) | FLOPs (↓) | Top-1% |
2.76M (81.6%) | 131.17M (58.1%) | 94.01 |
2.50M (83.3%) | 104.78M (66.6%) | 93.70 |
Params (↓) | FLOPs (↓) | Top-1% |
0.56M (34.1%) | 87.84M (30.0%) | 94.18 |
0.48M (42.8%) | 65.94M (47.4%) | 93.80 |
0.24M (70.0%) | 34.78M (74.1%) | 92.52 |
Params (↓) | FLOPs (↓) | Top-1% |
0.62M (40.1%) | 173.39M (38.5%) | 94.72 |
0.39M (61.9%) | 113.08M (59.9%) | 93.76 |
Params | FLOPs | Top-1% | Top-5% |
15.09M | 2.26B | 75.68 | 92.70 |
11.05M | 1.52B | 92.00 | 74.33 |
#Pass (#epochs) | FLOPs | Params | Top-1% |
1 (300) | 90.86M | 0.63M | 93.95 |
2 (300) | 66.25M | 0.46M | 93.42 |
3 (300) | 36.03M | 0.22M | 92.18 |
EZCrop is released under MIT License.
This code is implemented based on HRankPlus. We thanks for this open-source implementations.