This repo records interesting things read or discovered by Robert Jacobson organized by year. You are reading 2021, the most recent year.
Reverse Engineering by Kevin Thomas YouTube videos and articles Stanford Advanced Compilers course by Adrian Sampson
CSE290Q-2019-09 by Lindsey Kuper: A graduate seminar on SMT solving and solver-aided systems
Interesting papers related to JIT compilation from the associated CppCon talk on YouTube: Just-in-Time compilation
Computer Scientist proves safety claims of the programming language Rust | EurekAlert! Science News
"Leonardo da Vinci in Raphael's School of Athens" by Frode Sirnes Larsen
"A transformation-based optimiser for Haskell", Simon Peyton Jones, Andre Santos, Science of Computer Programming_ | October 1997, Vol 32(1)
Language Models are Few-Shot Learners
Linked from
Just started learning Python yesterday and I'm having a blast so far.
I've been programming in C for a while now, but some things already feel simpler in Python than in C. And a lot of techniques carry over from C! I love that you have while loops and for loops just like in C. I was afraid it was gonna be like learning programming all over again (it's really not). The one thing that'll take some getting used to is that you have to end statements with commas, not semicolons.
Anyway, here's my script (Python 3.8 -- it's just a toy script to try out for loops and while loops). Any tips on how to improve my code and make it more idiomatic?
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#/* pre-declare types and functions */
void: (type) = (type) ("(void *)0"),
int16_t: (type) = (type) (int(16))(),
int32_t: (type) = (type) (int(32))(),
puts: ((str) := void) = (print),
printf: ((str) := void) = (puts),
#/* confirm function and variable declarations */
[[void]] = (void),
[[total]] = (int32_t),
[[i]] = (int32_t),
[[puts]] = (puts),
[[printf]] = (printf),
#/* ensure forwards and backwards compatibility */
import __future__ as __past__
#/* output a formatted string to stdout */
def printf(s, __VA_ARGS__) -> (void) :{
(void) (puts((void).__mod__(s, __VA_ARGS__), end=((void).__new__)(void))),
# *******************************************************
# * Sum up all the natural numbers up to 6. The result *
# * should be 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21. *
# *******************************************************/
#/* print numbers from 0 to 6 */
int32_t: i = 0,
while (i <= 6) :{
(void) (printf(" %d\n", i)),
(i := i + 1),
(void) (puts("__")),
#/* sum up numbers from 0 to 6 */
int32_t: total = 0,
int32_t: i = 0,
for (int32_t) in (i <- 0, i <= 6, ++i) :{
(total := total + i),
(void) (printf("%d\n", total)),
Formality: A dependently typed language for proofs.
Did you know that Python 3.7 implemented a lazy, non-strict evaluation syntax behind a
switch that is about to become enabled by default in3.103.11? If you missed this major syntax change, then yeah, you are not alone, most people still haven't known about lazy evaluation yet despite Python 3.7 being released nearly 4 years ago. Actually, this syntax change was so unknown that I don't think most CPython core developers even knew about them either....
([F]or a full executable example, see the full gist, or execute online.)
M/o/Vfuscator: compiles programs into "mov" instructions, and only "mov" instructions. Arithmetic, comparisons, jumps, function calls, and everything else a program needs are all performed through mov operations; there is no self-modifying code, no transport-triggered calculation, and no other form of non-mov cheating.
ungrammar: A DLS for specifying concrete syntax tree
riscv-isa-sim: Spike, a RISC-V ISA Simulator. Very nice codebase.
gll: GLL parsing framework in Rust
Language server for the Nix language (WIP): A good example of using advanced features of nom
fathom: A declarative data definition language for formally specifying binary data formats
Husky: A lazy functional language similar to Haskell, but with a more conventional syntax
WolframResearch / codeparser: Parse Wolfram Language source code as abstract syntax trees (ASTs) or concrete syntax trees (CSTs)
WolframResearch / codeinspector: Find and report problems in Wolfram Language code
Eve and Eve-Native: A programming language based on years of research into building a human-first programming platform
polytype-rs: A Hindley-Milner polymorphic typing system
zerogc: Zero overhead tracing garbage collection for rust (WIP)
CH554 USB Composite Device Demo
CH559sdccUSBHost: USB host to Arduino Interface with the Cheap CH559 uC
C64-Video-Enhancement: Component video modification for the C64 8-bit computer
C64 KU-14194HB Rev B Schematic and PCB
Commodore 64C schematics recreated in KiCad
dactyl-keyboard: Parameterized ergonomic keyboard OpenSCAD
ManuForm: Design files for my ManuForm custom keyboard
Ergodox Infinity PCB source files
Vuh: A Vulkan-based GPGPU computing framework
PopSift: an open-source implementation of the SIFT algorithm in CUDA HiP
vtracer: Raster to Vector Graphics Converter built on top of visioncortex
matchpy: A library for pattern matching on symbolic expressions in Python
Scale your pandas workflow by changing a single line of code — Modin documentation
beatcracker/toptout: 📡 Easily opt-out from telemetry collection
llvm-tutor: a collection of self-contained reference LLVM passes. It's a tutorial that targets novice and aspiring LLVM developers
ImageStackAlignator: Implementation of Google's Handheld Multi-Frame Super-Resolution algorithm (from Pixel 3 and Pixel 4 camera)
terminusdb-tutorials: Tutorials for using TerminusDB
Design With FontForge: A book about how to design new typefaces with FontForge
Handbook of Satisfiability, 2nd Edition
Edward Tufte: Books - The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
The Programmer's Brain: What every programmer needs to know about cognition By Felienne Hermans, August 2021, 256 pages printed in black & white. ISBN: 9781617298677.
Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies by Winnie Soon and Geoff Cox
Z80Explorer Visual Zilog Z-80 netlist-level simulator
The Herman Cain Award — Less neat than sad.
Framework | Framework Laptop pre-orders are now open
Oyla, an awesome science magazine for kids.
Visible Human - High res imaging of the insides of. the. human. body.