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Stop Being Slow!

Closing Vim to commit and push is decreasing your efficiency! nvim-gpush is the perfect tool for you! Powered by rmassaroni/gpush!


    lazy = false,
    config = function ()
            --insert config options


Depending on your OS, this installation process should automatically install rmassaroni/gpush. If it fails, consider manually installing with "bash <(curl" on Unix systems.


--more config options are available in '~/.gpush/gconfig'. See
    auto_gpush_on_write = false, --not yet functional. use :Gw instead
    one_liner = true, --false results in a visual bug regarding the command buffer
    default_commit_message = "unnamed commit" --overrides default_message in ~/.gpush/
    default_branch = "main",

    file_specific_configs = {
        markdown = {
            default_commit_message = "readme"  --temporary until capability to specify
        lua = {},
        java = {},
        python = {},
        --all major file types are supported


Command Usage Arguments
:Gpush Commits & pushes all changes in current repository commit_message (optional), branch (optional)
:Gw Writes & gpushes commit_message (optional), branch (optional)
:Gwq Writes, gpushes, & quits (all) commit_message (optional), branch (optional)
:Gp Shortcut for Gpush commit_message (optional), branch (optional)

Example Usage

  • :Gpush
  • :Gpush bug fix
  • :Gpush "bug fix"
  • :Gpush "bug fix" master


Specifying branch requires the commit_message to be surrounded by double quotes!


  • installation for other OSs. Will release v1.0.0 with this.
  • finish auto_gpush. make it toggleable.
  • specify system cwd vs nvim cwd. cwd argument
  • include required storage space, speed, and other plguin stats
  • option to change and specify path of .gpush dir. in config.
  • Keymaps
  • smart nomenclature: commits are named as a file name if only one file was edited
  • remove the requirement to press enter in response to the gpush message. works for one_liner gpush only, not Gw
  • CI workflow
  • ":silent w", ":silent q"
  • Gwq should print a line to terminal after quitting.
  • write all? options
  • support for other plugin managers
  • script to find if there is a new release of gpush available for download
  • config option to auto_update gpush
  • mention required version of gpush. the latest is not always required
  • single quote search
  • Ghelp. displays help stuff
  • option to surround args in <>
  • filename specific configs along with extension specifc configs
  • default lua commit messsage as "unnamed lua commit"?
  • denote as .lua?
  • option to set the frequency of auto gpushes. For example, every 10 seconds

Known Bugs

  • VISUAL: printed output (one_liner = false) bugs the command buffer
  • VISUAL: '@' appears in command line message
  • Gupdate command does not work


Pull requests are welome!