Hi! I'm an earth scientist that works on applications of geomorphology and hydrology. I've enjoyed working on topics including: aeolian and fluvial sediment-transport, upland river hydraulics, eco-hydraulics, lagrangian particle-tracking applications of riverine larval drift and general dispersion, watershed modeling, and open-source gis workflows and web-services. I'm also a software developer with experience in C, C++, FORTRAN, and Python.
- MS, Earth Science, University of California, Santa Cruz 1993
- BS, Earth Science, University of California, Santa Cruz 1990
- Multi-dimensional Surface Water Modeling System: Principle developer of Windows application for pre- and post-processing of computaional flow and sediment-transport models: MD_SWMS. This project is inactive and has been replaced by iRIC.
- International River Interface Coopoerative (iRIC). Co-developer and designer of early iterations of the iRIC application
- GDPTools: A python package for spatial interpolations of gridded datasets to arbitrary polygons using area-weighted statistics.
- FluvialParticle A python package for lagrangian particle-tracking.
- CSDMS BMI Applications A proof-of-concept study that applied the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) Basic Modeling Interface (BMI) to the U.S. Geological Survey's Precipitation Runoff Modelling System (PRMS).