ImmersivePoints is a web-application for virtual reality devices to explore 3D data in the most natural way possible.
To view the data you need to either attach a virtual reality device attached to your PC, or a stand-alone one, such as the oculus quest.
Take a look at the following already uploaded examples:
- A frame from the AEV dataset
- A frame from the AEV dataset with semantic information
- A brain with some information of a clustering algorithm
- The notre dame
Want to see your own pointcloud in virtual reality? Upload your binary file here! The binary file is expected to be in float32, and consist of XYZH values. X, Y, and Z are floating point numbers in any range, but it's wise to position them around the point of origin of the virtual reality environment. The H-value signifies the hue of that point, which should be between 0.0 and 1.0 according to [this specification](>this specification). Note that saturation and lightness are currently always set to 1.0.
Want to see some examples on how to export pointclouds? Take a look at: