- Description
- Live-URL
- Screenshots
- Technologies-Used
- Installation
- Credits
- Features
- Usage-Information
- Suggested-Future-Development
- Contribution-Guidelines
- Test-Instructions
- License
- Questions
Schedaddy is a Customer relationship management (CRM) platform with the intent to streamline your scheduling for your company. Schedaddy offers the ability to manage employees, roles, and schedules with the greatest of ease.
Our intention with Schedaddy was to try our hand at creating a modern CRM platform that could be used to create dynamic schedules for various types of companies.
During this project, we faced a couple of challenges. Our biggest challenge was our 2-week sprint to MVP. Despite the time constraints, we successfully built a solid baseline that formed the core of Schedaddy.
This application was created using the MERN stack along with:
- Bcrypt
- JSON Web Tokens
- Apollo GraphQL
- GraphQL
- Mongoose
- NodeMon
- React-Bootstrap
- Moment.js
- ESLint
- Using Git Bash or Terminal, clone the repository using command:
git clone git@github.com:cmcnamara15/group-project-3.git
- Change Directory to the repo folder and run command
code .
to launch the repo in VS Code - Ensure that you have Node.js installed, and run the command
NPM Install
in the root directory for the repo to install all required dependencies - Ensure that you have MongoDB and MongoDB compass installed
- run command
NPM Run Develop
run database and client side
Our team of contributors:
- Eric Easthope
- Chris McNamara
- Elizabeth Olsavsky
- Brian Hamlin
- Ryan Messett
- Hunter Hester
Open to collaboration, if you choose to do so open an issue and modify any changes you would like to see on a feature branch and wait for approval before merging to the main branch.
There is currently no unit testing written for this application. FAKER
NOTICE: This application is covered under the MIT License
Have additional questions? Click the links below to us reach us through GitHub or Email.
Ryan Messett: Link to Github Email:rmessett15@gmail.com
Chris McNamara: Link to Github Email: cmcnamara1991@icloud.com
Hunter Hester: Link to Github Email:hunter.hester15@gmail.com
Brian Hamlin: Link to Github Email:misterbham.dev@gmail.com
Elizabeth Olsavsky: Link to Github Email:elizabetholsavsky@gmail.com
Eric Easthope: Link to Github Email: eeasthope@gmail.com