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SBT plugins for: Less CSS / JS compilation, Lift run modes, and more.

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Untyped SBT Plugins

Copyright 2011-12 Dave Gurnell of Untyped

This repo contains source for three SBT plugins:

  • sbt-less - Less CSS compilation, minification, and templating;
  • sbt-js - Javascript and Coffeescript compilation, minification, and templating;
  • sbt-tipi - wrapper for the Tipi templating language;
  • sbt-runmode - specification of Lift run modes using custom jetty-web.xml files.

See the README files in the relevant subdirectories for more information and acknowledgements.

Version 0.5 (current development release)

This version works with SBT 0.11.2 and SBT 0.11.3. Sample plugins.sbt file:

resolvers ++= Resolver.url("untyped", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-js"      % <<VERSION>>)

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-less"    % <<VERSION>>)

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-runmode" % <<VERSION>>)

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-tipi"    % <<VERSION>>)

Development snapshots are published with milestone suffixes ("0.5-M1" and so on). See Build.scala for the latest version number.

New features:

Support for SBT 0.11.3 - thanks to Shikhar Bhushan for this fix.

Added the sbt-tipi plugin for the Tipi templating language.

Removed features:

Reverted to the original placement of Less/CSS @import statements. Imports are once again inlined before the top of the file rather than at the point of the import. There are two reasons for this change:

  1. By inlining before the top of the file, the plugin can ensure that each Less/CSS library is included once and once only in the output file. This ensures efficient compilation of complex libraries such as Twitter Bootstrap, producing several 100% speedup.

  2. The W3C specification for @import statements states that they are only allowed at the top of a file. The two inlining behaviours of sbt-less are consistent if this restriction is applied by the stylesheet author.

Version 0.4 (current stable release)

This version works with SBT SBT 0.11.2. Sample plugins.sbt file:

resolvers ++= Resolver.url(

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-js"      % "0.4")

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-less"    % "0.4")

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-runmode" % "0.4")

New features:

You can now specify multiple sourceDirectories in sbt-js and sbt-less, providing CLASSPATH-style semantics when resolving files in // require and @import statements.

This is useful if you want to override a single file in a library such as Twitter Bootstrap. Check the library out as a Git submodule in your project, and specify your sourceDirectories as follows:

(sourceDirectories in (Compile, LessKeys.less)) <<= (sourceDirectory in Compile) {
  srcDir =>
      srcDir / "path" / "to" / "my" / "files",
      srcDir / "path" / "to" / "twitter" / "bootstrap"

Any @import statements are resolved relative to your files first, and then Twitter's files. You can override variables.less and still maintain the ability to pull the latest fixes from Twitter's Github repo.

Changes and bug fixes:

Less CSS content pulled in by @import statements now appears at the point of the @import statement, rather than at the top of the file. For example, the following three files:



@import "a.less";
@import "b.less";

compile to:


where they would previously have compiled to:


Note that \\ require statements in Javascript and Coffeescript files are unaffected.

Thanks to Denis Bardadym for this fix.

Version 0.3

No new features or bug fixes.

Hosting moved from the Untyped Maven repository to the SBT community plugins repo. As a consequence of this, certain things have changed:

  • the plugins have moved from to;
  • the group ID has changed from untyped to com.untyped;
  • the package names have changed from untyped.<foo> to com.untyped.sbt<foo>.

These versions work with SBT 0.11.0 and SBT 0.11.2. Sample plugins.sbt file:

resolvers ++= Resolver.url("sbt-plugin-releases", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-js"      % "0.3")

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-less"    % "0.3")

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-runmode" % "0.3")

Snapshots are published on

resolvers ++= Resolver.url("Untyped", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-js"      % "0.4-SNAPSHOT")

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-less"    % "0.4-SNAPSHOT")

addSbtPlugin("com.untyped" % "sbt-runmode" % "0.4-SNAPSHOT")

Version 0.2

New features:

  • sbt-js: experimental support for CoffeeScript;
  • sbt-mustache: new experimental plugin for templating arbitrary files (currently ver limited);

Bug fixes:

  • sbt-less: Import statements in Less CSS files are interpreted relative to the file in which they appear, rather than the root file in the dependency graph.

These versions work with SBT 0.11.0 and SBT 0.11.2. Sample plugins.sbt file:

resolvers ++= "untyped" at ""

addSbtPlugin("untyped" % "sbt-js" % "0.2")

addSbtPlugin("untyped" % "sbt-less" % "0.2")

addSbtPlugin("untyped" % "sbt-runmode" % "0.2")


Copyright 2011-12 Dave Gurnell of Untyped

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


SBT plugins for: Less CSS / JS compilation, Lift run modes, and more.






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