Tool to execute commands in sequence.
cargo install --git
Assuming web development with Ruby on Rails and webpack(-dev-server). When you run Rails app in local env, you must run commands below:
- bundle exec rails db:migrate && bundle exec rails s
- yarn start
- docker-compose -f datastores.yml up
Now, Command 1 is dependent to Command 3, because the database migration cannot be done without datastores booted. So, you should follow these steps manually:
- execute
docker-compose -f datastores.yml up
- execute
yarn start
- wait until docker-compose's startup process is done and the middlewares(such as postgresql, redis) is ready to accept connection.
- execute
bundle exec rails db:migrate && bundle exec rails s
Write proc.toml and execute stepn
name | required | default | type | explain |
services | yes | - | HashMap<String, Service> | list of service and its name |
name | required | default | type | explain |
command | yes | None | String | command run in the service |
depends_on | no | None | Vec | names of the other services waiting to be started when that service is started |
health_checker | no | None | HealthChecker | conditions for certifying that the service has booted |
environments | no | None | HashMap<String, String> | environment variables: <key, value> |
delay_sec | no | None | u64 | seconds to wait before starting that service |
name | required | default | type | explain |
output_trigger | no | None | Vec | string to mark the service as booted if it appears in the log output to stdout |
see src/
for detail.
command = "for i in {0..10}; do echo a$i; sleep 1; done"
# conditions of assuming the startup is done
output_trigger = [
command = "for i in {0..10}; do echo b$i; sleep 1; done"
depends_on = ["a"]
output_trigger = [
command = "for i in {0..10}; do echo c$i; sleep 1; done"
depends_on = ["b"]
command = "docker-compose --file dc-ds.yml up"
# conditions of assuming the startup is done
output_trigger = [
"Ready to accept connections", # redis
"database system is ready to accept connections" # postgresql
command = "bundle exec rails db:migrate && bundle exec rails s"
# migration can be executed after postgresql is booted.
depends_on = [ "middleware" ]
PORT = "3000"
command = "yarn webpack-dev-server"