NOTE: OBSOLETE Python, plugins and environment! Do not use!
(Was: Flask-Boilerplate)
A flask-app boilerplate WITHOUT blueprints and extra fluff, I'm using this for smaller and larger projects where I don't need to use the app-factory pattern or split the app up with BluePrints.
- Send e-mail with flask-mail
- Passing class methods to a SQLAlchemy class (
- Crossdomain JSON functionality (
- Shooting off threads for blocking methods (
- Static robots.txt and favicon.ico routes
- Decorated authentication (
- WTForms usage
- SQLAlchemy usage
- Logging
- bcrypt-hashing/verification of 'passwords'
- And More
- Bootstrap Navbar
- Jumbotron on index.html (Style in static/custom.css)
- Footer fixed to bottom of page
- Using for bootstrap includes (makes it easy to change version)
- Using for jquery includes (makes it easy to change version)
- git clone myapp
- cd myapp
- (Edit, create database and user in mysql)
- virtualenv .env --no-site-packages
- source .env/bin/activate
- pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
- python
Done, browse to http://localhost:9000
If you've setup MySQL you can go to http://localhost:9000/init_db and it should create your table(s) according to Don't forget to update and set DB_CREATED=True.
Because, why not. CDDL-style license, the software is provided as-is, I can't be held responsible for anything, patent trolls can go and die in a fire and if you meet me, you might buy me a beer at your own discretion.
Each plugin and component might have it's own license that applies.