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Terminal task manager

⇁ Problems

During my work I encounter many subtaks I gotta do on the daily basis. Among them

  1. Clone Git repos to my machine and create branches in multiple repos (usually different for each task)
  2. Keep my task logs, sketches, notes and repos for each task somewhere. Structured and seperately
  3. Often switch between task, which involves context, notes, sketches, and especially Git branches

⇁ Solution

Tman comes with 3 basic ideas

  1. Structure your workspace for each task
  2. Get you exactly where you want with fewest keystrokes
  3. Automate stuff that you're tired of during the work. Here plugins are for

⇁ Structure

  • Customize: Adjust the util for your workflow via config file.
  • Extensible: Extend util with predefined or your own plugins. You can get full list of Tman plugins in tman-pgn.

⇁ Dependencies

No external dependencies, the whole program's written in C. Tho plugins might have dependencies. Take a look at plugins for more info.

⇁ Build

Simply run the command below.


⇁ Installation

  1. Once you compiled successfully, put executable _tman into one of directories defined in env variable PATH. I put it in ~/.locil/bin .
  2. Copy the content of into your shell rc file. It's ~/.bashrc, .zshrc, etc.
#!/usr/bin/env sh

function tman()
    output="$(_tman "$@")"
    if [ "$retstatus" -eq 0 ]; then
        cd "$output"
        [ -n "$output" ] && echo "$output"

    # Status 0 - ok, no error, no need to explain anything.
    # Status 1 - ok, but output is not a path, so juts output it.
    [ "$retstatus" -eq 1 ] && return 0 || return "$retstatus"
    return "$retstatus"
  1. Create basic Tman config file. Either in ~/.tman/tman.cfg or ~/.config/tman/tman.cfg and fill it with content below
# Necessary variables
# Where to crease base for your future tasks
TMANBASE = /home/user/tman
# Where your plugins are installed
TMANPGNINS = /home/user/.tman/pgnins

# Set of hooks, uncomment them IF you really want them and you have defined config files for them
#HOOKCMD = add struct create
#HOOKCMD = add gun sync
#HOOKCMD = sync gun sync
#HOOKCMD = prev gun sync
#HOOKCMD = del gun del
#HOOKCMD = prev gun sync
#HOOKCAT = cat time cat
#HOOKCAT = cat gun cat
#HOOKLIST = list tag list

⇁ Tman builtin commands

  cfg    - manipulate system configuration
  init   - init directory structure
  pgm    - plugin manager

  add    - add a new task
  del    - delete a task
  prev   - switch to previous task
  set    - set task unit values
  sync   - synchronize task
  use    - switch to specific task

  env    - manipulate environments
  move   - move task to another environment

  cat    - cat task info
  help   - show this help message and exit
  list   - list environment task
  ver    - show version and exit

⇁ Basic workflow

  1. To initalize util type in tman init.
  2. Now you're ready to create task boards (there're called env in Tman): tman env add test
  3. Once task board is created you can fill it out with task: tman add test1
  4. List all your task in current board: tman list
  5. Show the content of task: tman cat test1


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