This yo generator is based off PatrickWolleb's generator-koa-rest. I modified the generator to use newer ES2015 syntax and to generate an ES2015 koa@next application.
- node@~5.4.1
- koa@next
- koa-morgan - Used for logging
- koa-mount@next - Used for mounting applications/endpoints/middleware
- koa-router@next - Used for Express-style routing
- koa-bodyparser@next - Used for parsing JSON from koa request body
- koa-compress@next - Used for http compression
See list of middleware/libraries compatible with koa@next
- No gulp/grunt necessary, just use
npm run
commands. See available commands by typingnpm run
on generated app - Liberal usage of arrow functions, const, let, async/await, and class via ES2015 and babel
- Directory structure follows:
app - Main project folder
/src - This is where all source code goes
/api - Folder contains all the endpoints
/root - Folder names are specific to endpoint/API resource names
/index.js - Sub endpoint routes are defined here and reference controller functions
/root.controller.js - Controller functions used for export to index.js
/root.model.js - Model functions used for business logic of controller
/config - Folder contains all the config/setup for the microservice
/index.js - Contains all configs. Should prioritize environmental variables
/koa.js - Middleware integration starts here
/routes.js - This is where all the main routes are defined
/server.js - koa server
/test - All tests go here. Tests must end with .test.js
/e2e - All end to end tests go here
/unit - All unit tests go here. The structure should mimic src folder
index.js - Starting point for microservice
To install generator-koa2-rest, run:
npm install -g generator-koa2-rest
Create a folder for your project and navigate into it
--- ~/projects » mkdir sample-app
--- ~/projects » cd sample-app
--- projects/sample-app »
Run yo koa2-rest
Run npm start
and navigate to localhost:9000
Navigate to project folder and run yo koa2-rest:api resource-name
This will create a folder under src/api/
with the name of the resource with an index, controller, model. Test files will be generated in test/e2e and test/unit
From there, you can add new routes, modify the existing index route, etc.
Note: Make sure to modify src/config/routes.js file to add the new endpoint.
Feel free to add an issue for feature requests or problems with the generator