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A simple configuration management tool written in JavaScript for fun and practice


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A simple configuration management tool written in JavaScript for fun and practice



Akinizer is an configuration management tool I wrote for managing my preferred programs and configs across different operating systems and machines.

Why not use Puppet, Chef, Ansible, SaltStack, etc.?

I created Akinizer for fun, practice, and to learn more about operating system configuration management. Why use high-quality robust software when I could write my own janky tool in JavaScript? 😉

Supported operating systems

Akinizer supports the following operating systems (but it would probably work on other versions of macOS and Debian-based Linux distros):

  • Linux - Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04
  • Mac - macOS 10.15, 11.0

OS support is verified via end-to-end tests. See the CI/CD section for details.

Quick example

Here's a simple example of what an Akinizer config looks like. See Using Akinizer for more details.

const {
} = require('akinizer');

        // Make sure `cowsay`, `htop`, and `vim` are installed
        definePhase('installUtilsPhase', ACTIONS.INSTALL_PACKAGES, [

Here's a sample output for when it's applied:

[15:20:41] Starting 'default'...

[15:20:41] Starting 'installUtilsPhase:cowsay'...
info: Checking if target package 'cowsay' is installed...
info: Verifying target 'cowsay' exists with `brew list --versions 'cowsay'`...'
cowsay 3.04
info: Target package 'cowsay' is already installed. Moving on...
[15:20:44] Finished 'installUtilsPhase:cowsay' after 2.83 s


[15:20:47] Finished 'default' after 5.85 s

Installing Akinizer

To install or update Akinizer, you should run the script which assures required programs are installed (e.g., git, node.js), downloads or updates Akinizer, and installs its dependencies. Review the script, then either download and run the script manually, or use the following cURL or Wget commands:

curl -o- | bash
wget -qO- | bash

Script options

The bootstrap script's behavior can be modified with the following environment variables:

  • AK_GIT_REF - The Akinizer repo ref to checkout (default: master)
  • AK_INSTALL_ROOT - Where to clone the Akinizer repo to (default: $HOME/opt/akinizer)
  • AK_SKIP_CLONE - Skip the Akinizer clone step (default: no)

For example, the following would change the Akinizer installation directory to /opt with the AK_INSTALL_ROOT option:

curl -o- | AK_INSTALL_ROOT=/opt bash

Package managers

By default, Akinizer uses the following package management tools to verify and install programs:

Apt and dpkg must be pre-installed on the Linux system, but Homebrew and Cask can be installed via the bootstrap script on Mac.

Using Akinizer

Akinizer's system configuration is declared as a tree of phases, each of which contains a list of targets and an action to apply to them. Akinizer converts the phase tree into a hierarchy of runnable gulp tasks.


ℹ️ For a full annotated working example, see examples/gulpfile.js

The following is a simple example that assures a list of utilities are installed on the system.

// ./examples/simple/gulpfile.js
const {
} = require('akinizer');

// Create the phase tree and export a hierarchy of runnable gulp tasks, one for
// each package and phase.
        definePhase('installUtilsPhase', ACTIONS.INSTALL_PACKAGES, [

Run gulp to execute the default task which refers to Akinizer's root phase:

[I] ➜ gulp

[15:20:41] Using gulpfile ~/code/akinizer/examples/simple/gulpfile.js
[15:20:41] Starting 'default'...

[15:20:41] Starting 'installUtilsPhase:cowsay'...
info: Checking if target package 'cowsay' is installed...
info: Verifying target 'cowsay' exists with `brew list --versions 'cowsay'`...'
cowsay 3.04
info: Target package 'cowsay' is already installed. Moving on...
[15:20:44] Finished 'installUtilsPhase:cowsay' after 2.83 s


[15:20:46] Starting 'installUtilsPhase:vim'...
info: Checking if target package 'vim' is installed...
info: Verifying target 'vim' exists with `brew list --versions 'vim'`...'
vim 8.2.1500
info: Target package 'vim' is already installed. Moving on...
[15:20:47] Finished 'installUtilsPhase:vim' after 753 ms

[15:20:47] Finished 'default' after 5.85 s

You can also run each phase and task individually:

[I] ➜ gulp installUtilsPhase:vim

[15:26:56] Using gulpfile ~/code/akinizer/examples/simple/gulpfile.js
[15:26:56] Starting 'installUtilsPhase:vim'...
info: Checking if target package 'vim' is installed...
info: Verifying target 'vim' exists with `brew list --versions 'vim'`...'
vim 8.2.1500
info: Target package 'vim' is already installed. Moving on...
[15:26:57] Finished 'installUtilsPhase:vim' after 835 ms

You can list all available tasks with gulp --tasks:

[I] ➜ gulp --tasks

[15:27:34] Tasks for ~/code/akinizer/examples/simple/gulpfile.js
[15:27:34] ├── installUtilsPhase:cowsay
[15:27:34] ├── installUtilsPhase:gpg
[15:27:34] ├── installUtilsPhase:htop
[15:27:34] ├── installUtilsPhase:jq
[15:27:34] ├── installUtilsPhase:vim
[15:27:34] ├─┬ installUtilsPhase
[15:27:34] │ └─┬ <series>
[15:27:34] │   ├── installUtilsPhase:cowsay
[15:27:34] │   ├── installUtilsPhase:gpg
[15:27:34] │   ├── installUtilsPhase:htop
[15:27:34] │   ├── installUtilsPhase:jq
[15:27:34] │   └── installUtilsPhase:vim
[15:27:34] └─┬ default
[15:27:34]   └─┬ <series>
[15:27:34]     └─┬ <series>
[15:27:34]       ├── installUtilsPhase:cowsay
[15:27:34]       ├── installUtilsPhase:gpg
[15:27:34]       ├── installUtilsPhase:htop
[15:27:34]       ├── installUtilsPhase:jq
[15:27:34]       └── installUtilsPhase:vim


createTaskTree(rootPhase, exp)

Top-level function to create the entire phase task tree. This should be the final function call of your gulpfile.js file.


  • rootPhase - The output of defineRoot(), the root of the phase tree
  • exp - The module's exports object, onto which the gulp tasks are attached so they can be runnable


        /* ... phases ... */

definePhase(name, action, targets, phaseOpts)

Define a phase in which targets have an action applied to them, e.g., to assure a set of packages are installed.

  • name - Name of the phase
  • action - Action to apply to the list of targets. See Phase actions for details.
  • targets - A list of targets which can be strings or the outputs of defineTarget()
  • phaseOpts - Phase options
    • phaseOpts.parallel - Process targets in parallel
    • phaseOpts.targetOpts - Options to apply to all targets


        // Simple targets without arguments

        // Targets defined with `defineTarget()`
        defineTarget('python3-distutils', {
            skipAction: () => !isLinux(),
        defineTarget('pip', {
            actionCommands: [
                'sudo curl -o /tmp/',
                'sudo -H python3 /tmp/',

    // phaseOpts
        targetOpts: {
            forceAction: true,
        parallel: true,


Defines the root phase. It takes only one argument, a list of phases defined by definePhase().


    definePhase('phase1' /* ... */),
    definePhase('phase2' /* ... */),
    // ... more phases ...

defineTarget(name, actionArgs)

Define a target and its action arguments. See "Phase actions" section below for details about how actions work.

  • name - Name or identifier of target, depending on its phase's action
  • actionArgs - Arguments for this target's phase's action



defineTarget('python3-distutils', {
    skipAction: () => !isLinux(),

defineTarget('pip', {
    actionCommands: [
        'sudo curl -o /tmp/',
        'sudo -H python3 /tmp/',

defineTarget('pyenv', {
    actionCommands: ['curl | bash'],
    skipAction: () => fileExists(pyenvDir),
    skipActionMessage: () => `File exists: ${pyenvDir}`,

Phase actions

Actions, defined in definePhase(), are verbs that will be applied to all targets of a phase. Actions treat targets differently, e.g. as jobs, packages, or phases, and take arguments defined in defineTarget() or phaseOpts. Supported actions and their arguments are listed below.

<All actions>

All actions support the following function arguments, all of which will be provided with the target when they're evaluated.

  • forceAction: function(target: Target): string - (Optional) If this function is provided, always run the action if this evaluates to true
  • skipAction: function(target: Target): string - (Optional) If this function is provided, always skip the action if this evaluates to true
  • skipActionMessage: function(target: Target): string - (Optional) A function that return a message to explain why the action was skipped


Executes arbitrary shell code. Required arguments:

  • actionCommands: string[] - Shell commands to execute


Installs a target package using the system package manager by default. Supported arguments:

  • actionCommands: string[] - Shell commands to execute
  • gitPackage: object - Marks this target as a "git package"
    • gitPackage.repoUrl: string - URL (HTTPS) to the git repo of the target package
    • gitPackage.symlink: string - (Optional) File to symlink from the repo after its cloned. Default: target name
    • gitPackage.binDir: string - (Optional) Symlink target directory. Default: $HOME/bin
    • gitPackage.cloneDir: string - (Optional) Clone target directory. Default: $HOME/opt
  • postInstall: function(target: Target): void - (Optional) Function that's called with the target after installation is complete.
  • verifyCommandExists - Verify the target name exists as a command as oppose to verifying the target is installed via the system target manager


definePhase('installTerm', ACTIONS.INSTALL_PACKAGES, [
    defineTarget('oh-my-zsh', {
        actionCommands: [
            `curl -o /tmp/`,
            `RUNZSH=no sh /tmp/`,
        skipAction: () => fileExists(OMZDir),
        skipActionMessage: () => `File exists: ${OMZDir}`,
    defineTarget('spaceship-prompt', {
        gitPackage: {
            binDir: `${OMZDir}/themes/spaceship.zsh-theme`,
            binSymlink: 'spaceship.zsh-theme',
            cloneDir: SpaceshipThemeDir,
            ref: 'c38183d654c978220ddf123c9bdb8e0d3ff7e455',
            repoUrl: '',
        skipAction: () => fileExists(SpaceshipThemeDir),
        skipActionMessage: () => `File exists: ${SpaceshipThemeDir}`,


Runs nested phases. Example:

// Targets are other phases
definePhase('installUtils', ACTIONS.RUN_PHASES, [
    // Common phase (install on all systems)
    definePhase('common', ACTIONS.INSTALL_PACKAGES, ['cowsay', 'gpg', 'htop']),

    // Linux phase (install only on Linux)
    isLinux() &&
        definePhase('linux', ACTIONS.INSTALL_PACKAGES, ['fortune-mod']),

    // Mac phase (install only on Mac)
    isMac() && definePhase('mac', ACTIONS.INSTALL_PACKAGES, ['fortune']),


Verifies packages are installed. Supported arguments:

  • verifyCommandExists - Verify the target name exists as a command as oppose to verifying the target is installed via the system target manager


    ['curl', 'git', 'node', 'npm'],
        // Apply these options to all of this phase's packages
        targetOpts: {
            // This option verifies the command exists instead of verifying
            // its target exists with the system target manager
            verifyCommandExists: true,

        // We can run the phase in parallel b/c target verifications are
        // independent from each other
        parallel: true,


Here are some notes about how to develop Akinizer.


Akinizer was mostly developed against unit tests, which are run with jest. To run the full suite of tests:

npm test

Or run the tests and watch for changes:

npm run watch

Docker development sandbox

Sometimes it's necessary to run the entire system end-to-end. To protect your machine from inadvertent system-wide changes during e2e development, Akinizer provides a Docker container to create and run a repeatable, isolated development sandbox. To use it, first build the image from the ./Dockerfile:

npm run build

Then run it:

npm start

The repo will be mounted inside of the container. Play around as much as you want. All changes will be reverted when the container is restarted.


End-to-end and unit tests are run automatically via GitHub Actions when updates are pushed to the repo. These tests are configured in the .github/workflows/*.yml files.


Here are a few noteable technologies and concepts I learned, and/or practiced to create this project.
